Dragojla Golub, PhD, Associate Professor

Office: 45

Telephone: +38751319142




  • PhD in Environmental Sciences, Zoology Department, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University in Bari, Italy (Dipartimento di Zoologia, Facolta di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, Universita degli Studi di Bari, Italia)
  • 2001. Bachelor of Science in Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka


  • 2017. –  Associate professor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka
  • 2008. – 2017., Assistant professor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka
  • 2001. – 2008., Teaching assistant, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka


Undergraduate studies

  • Bioindicators and monitoring system
  • Ecomonitoring and bioindicators
  • Chordate Zoology 1
  • Chordate Zoology 2
  • Ecology and diversity of chordates
  • Anthropology
  • Zoological practicum
  • Field work (teaching) 3
  • Ecology (Faculty of Philosophy, study programs Teacher Education and Preschool Education)

Master studies

  • Zoocenology
  • Ecology and systematic of selected chordate taxa
  • Comparative anatomy of selected class
  • Systematic of selected vertebrate taxa
  • Fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • History of Natural Sciences
  • Aquatic genetic resources (Combined study program Conservation and Sustainable Use of Genetic Resources, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka)


  • Golub Dragojla (2016): Ecology for students of Teacher Education and Preschool Education. Basic textbook. Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka. ISBN 978-99955-21-51-6, 1-192.


  • Ichthyology (biology and ecology of freshwater fish); bioindication in freshwater quality assessment, monitoring of ecological status of freshwaters



  • 2020-2023: ECOBIAS – Development of master curricula in ecological monitoring and aquatic bioassesment for Western Balkans HEIs (609967-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, contract number: 2019-1991 / 001-001), ERASMUS.
  • 2018-2019: Endemic fish species of Republic of Srpska – distribution, habitat characteristics and physiological research. Main contractor Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka, financed by ​ Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of Republic of Srpska.
  • 2015-2018: Rural Development through Integrated Forest and Water Resources Management in Southeast Europe (LEIWW), GIZ (German Development Cooperation), Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) of South Eastern Europe.
  • 2014-2017: COST Action FA1304 – Swimming of fish and implications for migration and aquaculture (FITFISH).
  • 2013-2014: Support to Bosnia and Herzegovina for Revisionof the National Biological Diversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and development of the Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Main contractor CENER 21, financed by UNEP.
  • 2011-2012: Taxonomic and Geographic Assessments of Species as a Basis of Development of Red List of Republic of Srpska. Main contractor Civil Engineering Institute „IG”, financed by ​ Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Ecology of Republic of Srpska.
  • 2010-2011: Fish community estimation as indicator of water quality of Vrbas River watershed at Banja Luka area. Main contractor Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka, financed by Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Srpska.
  • 2010-2011: Valorization, potentials and protection of Gromizelj wetland ecosystem (near Bijeljina). Main contractor Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka, financed by Environmental Protection Fund of Republic of Srpska.
  • 2006-2007: Restoration and Rehabilitation of the Wetland Region Bardaca in Bosnia and Herzegovina. SGF 2005 (Ramsar Small Grants Fund for Wetland Conservation and Wise Use). The Institute of Agroecology and Soil Sciences of the Faculty of Agriculture in Banja Luka.
  • 2003-2006: Freshwater fisheries on bordering rivers – pilot study with a holistic regional approach. Akvaplan-niva, Norway (cooperation between Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Norway.
  • 2002-2005: LICENSELocal Institutional Capacity Development in Environmental Sensitive Areas [LIFE TCY/BIH/041]. Institute for Urbanism of the Republic Srpska.



  • Golub, D., Bukva, M., Dekić, R. (2019). Morphological characteristics and condition of the bleak Alburnus alburnus (Teleostei; Cyprinidae) from the Bosna River. SKUP, 10(1): 16-28. DOI: 10.7251/SKPEN191001016G.
  • Golub, D., Lolić, S., Dmitrović, D., Dekić, R., Šukalo, G., Cvijić, S. (2018). Physical, Chemical, and Biological Indicators of the Jablanica River Water Quality (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Water Research and management, 8(4): 11-18.
  • Šukalo, G., Dmitrović, D., Golub, D. (2018). First record of the weatherfish Misgurnus fossilis (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Adriatic Sea catchment area in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ecologica Montenegrina, 18:126-128. DOI:
  • Golub, D., Šukalo G., Ranitović, M. (2017). Morfometrija digestivnog trakta nekih ciprinidnih vrsta riba iz rijeke Save. SKUP, 8(1): 67-74. DOI: 10.7251/SKP170801067G.
  • Golub, D., Dekić, R., Manojlović, M., Friščić, J., Šukalo, G., Cvijić, S., Lolić, S. (2017). Zajednice riba kao indikator kvaliteta vode sliva rijeke Ukrine (Republika Srpska, Bosna i Hercegovina). 46. konferencija o aktuelnim temama korišćenja i zaštite voda VODA 2017, Zbornik radova, str.141-148,  Vršac, Srbija.
  • Dekić, R.., Savić, N., Manojlović, M., Golub, D., Pavličević, J. (2016). Condition factor and organosomatic indices of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss, Wal.) from different brood stock. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 32(2): 229-237. DOI: 10.2298/BAH1602229D.
  • Golub, D., Marić, Ž., Šukalo, G., Cvijić, S., Dekić, R. (2016). Morfološke karakteristike Cobitis elongatoides i Sabanejewia balcanica (Cobitidae) iz rijeke Suturlije.  SKUP, 7(2): 139-148. DOI: 10.7251/SKP1607139G.
  • Golub, D., Dekić, R., Lolić, S., Dmitrović, D., Filipović, S., Lubarda, B., Kukavica, B., Siđak, S., Boroja, M. (2014). Fizičko-hemijski i biološki parametri u ocjeni kvaliteta vode posebnog rezervata prirode Gromiželj kod Bijeljine. 43. konferencija o aktuelnim problemima korišćenja i zaštite voda VODA 2014, Zbornik radova, str. 211-220, Tara, Srbija.
  • Šukalo, G., Đorđević, S., Golub, D., Dmitrović, D.,  Tomović, Lj. (2013). Novel, non-invasive method for distinguishing the individuals of the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) in capture-mark-recapture studies. Acta Herpetologica, 8 (1): 41-45. DOI:
  • Golub, D., Dekić, R., Šukalo, G., Siđak, S., Lolić, S. (2012). Diverzitet faune riba nekih pritoka rijeke Vrbas u indikaciji kvaliteta vode. 41. konferencija o aktuelnim problemima korišćenja i zaštite voda VODA 2012, Zbornik radova, str.97-104,  Divčibare, Srbija.
  • Vuković, D., Tursi, A., Carlucci, R., Dekić, R. (2008). Ichthyofauna of the wetland ecosystem in the Bardača area (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Croatian Journal of Fisheries: Ribarstvo, 66 (3): 89-103.



  • Author and coauthor of 19 manuscripts published in scientific journals and over 40 publications and proceedings at scientific conferences
  • Participant in 6 international and  11 national projects
  • Author and coauthor of 15 professional studies, reports and elaborates from field of ichthyology aquatic biodiversity and water quality
  • Mentorship: 36 undergraduate thesis, 5 master thesis and 1 PhD thesis
  • Member of Scientific Board of II Symposium of biologist and I Symposium of ecologist of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, B&H (from November 04, 2010 until November 06, 2010
  • Member of Scientific Board of Scientific Conference marking 20 years of existence and work  of  Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka, B&H (from October 16, 2016 until October 17, 2016)
  • Member of Scientific Board of IV Symposium of  biologist and ecologist of Republic of Srpska with international participation, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, B&H (from November 12, 2020 until November 14, 2020)
  • Membership in organisations: Serbian Water Pollution Control Society, Belgrade, Serbia; Serbian Biological Society, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Participant in Region focused training program, „Wetland Conservation  for Southeast European Countries” programme, JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) in period from July 13, 2008 until August 15, 2008
  • Participant in Western Balkans Capacity Building Workshop on Indicators as part of NBSAP updating, Konjic, B&H in period from March 19, 2013 until March 22, 2013
  • Participant in IUCN Red List Assessor Training Workshop, Sarajevo, B&H in period from  November 11, 2019 until November 14, 2019
  • Reviewer for journals: SKUP, EDUCA, Croatian Journal of Fisheries, Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology etc.
  • Member of the working group in front of Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka for developing subordinate legislation on the basis of Law on Nature Protection, since 2015
  • Member of theworking group for developing Management Plan for protected area with sustainable use of natural resources “University City” for period 2016-2025, Institute of Genetic Resources
  • Member of the expert team representatives of academic community in B&H (Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance B&H), since 2019 (
  • Member of the expert team for the reform of preschool, primary and secondary education; expert team for primary education and secondary education and upbringing for the subject: Biology. Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Srpska, since 2020·        Member of the commission for taking the professional exam for training persons to perform aquaculture activities. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Republic of Srpska, since 2020
  • Editor-in-chief of scientific journal “SKUP” of Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University in Banja Luka, since 2015