• Dino Hasanagić, M.Sc., Senior Teaching Assistant
  • Office: 44
  • Telephone: +38751319142
  • e-mail:
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  1. Master of biology-biochemistry and physiology, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo
  2. B.Sc. in Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banjaluka


  • From 2015: Senior teaching assistant, Faculty of Science, University of Banjaluka
  • 2011-2015: Teaching assistant, Faculty of Science, University of Banjaluka


Undergraduate studies:

Department of biology:

  • Biochemistry 1
  • Biochemistry 2
  • Molecular biology

Department of ecology and environmental protection:

  • Biochemistry

Department of chemistry:

  • Biochemistry 1
  • Biochemistry 2
  • Chemistry of natural compounds

Master studies:

Department of biology:

  • Biochemistry of free radicals
  • Kinetics and mechanisms of reactions

Department of chemistry:

  • Biochemistry of free radicals
  • Experimental biochemistry
  • Biochemical toxicology


  • Kukavica, B., Topalić-Trivunović, Lj., Šuškalo, N, Hasanagić, D., Kukrić, Z., Janjić, N., Savić, A., Samelak, I. (2017): Metabolički odgovor drvenastih biljaka na ekološke uslove u urbanim sredinama. Prirodno-matematički fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci


  • Biochemical-physiological procceses in plants under different types of abiotic and biotic stress. Antioxidant metabolism, redox homeostasis, photosynthesis, mineral nutrition and optimisation of methods for plant cultivation. Optimisation of methods of biological active compounds and secondary metabolites isolation.


  • 2013-2016. NETREL 530554-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SK-JPHES “.
  • 2018-2022. COST Action CA17111, Data integration to maximise the power of omics for grapevine improvement (Integrape), Faculty of Science, University of Verona.
  • 2015-2020. COST Action CA15136, European network to advance carotenoid research and applications in agro-food and health (Eurocaroten), University of Seville.
  • 2018-2023. COST Action CA18111, Genome editing in plants – a technology with transformative potential (Planted), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
  • 2018-2022. COST Action CA17134, Optical synergies for spatiotemporal sensing of scalable ecophysiological traits (Senseco), Luxemburg Institute of Science and Technology.
  • 2018-2019, Comprehensive research on microsilica, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka
  • 2018, The application of zeolite enriched by macro and micro nutrients in prevetnion of abiotic stress caused by drought. Primjena zeolita obogaćenog makro i mikro nutrijentima u sprečavanju abiotičkog stresa izazvanog sušom, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka.
  • 2015, The investigation of zeolite role in deminishing of oxidative damages of bean and tomato plants occured under the influence of different abiotic factors


  • Lukić N, Kukavica, B, Davidović-Plavšić, B, Hasanagić, D, Walter, J (2020) Plant stress memory is linked to high levels of anti-oxidative enzymes over several weeks. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 178:104166.
  • Hasanagić, D, Koleška, I, Kojić, D, Vlaisavljević, S, Janjić, N, Kukavica B (2020) Long term drought effects on tomato leaves: anatomical, gas exchange and antioxidant modifications. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 42:121.
  • Klokić, I, Koleška I, Hasanagić, D, Bosančić, B, Murtić, S, Todorović, V.(2020) Biostimulants’ influence on tomato fruit characteristics at conventional and low-input NPK regime. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science, 70 (3): 233-240.
  • Hodžić, E, Balaban, M, Šuškalo, N, Galijašević, S, Hasanagić, D, Kukavica, B (2019) Antioxidative response of Melissa officinalis L. and Valeriana officinalis L. leaves exposed to exogenous melatonin and excessive zinc and cadmium level. Journal of Serbian Chemistry Society, 83: 1-16.
  • Šuškalo, N, Hasanagić, D, Topalić-Trivunović, Lj, Kukrić, Z, Samelak, I, Savić, A, Kukavica, B (2018) Antioxidative and antifungal response of woody species to environmental conditions in the urban area. Ecotoxycology, 27 (8): 1095-1106.
  • Koleška, I, Hasanagić, D, Todorović, V, Murtić, S, Maksimović, I (2018) Grafting influence on the weight and quality of tomato fruit under salt stress. Annals of Applied Biology, 172 (2): 187-196.
  • Koleška, I, Hasanagić, D, Todorović, V, Klokić, I, Murtić, S, Parađiković, N, Kukavica B (2017) Biostimulant prevents Yield loss and reduces Oxidative Damage in Tomato Plants grown on reduced NPK Nutrition. Journal of Plant Interactions (TJPI), 12 (1): 209-218.
  • Koleška, I, Hasanagić, D, Maksimović, I, Bosančić, B, Kukavica, B (2017) The role of antioxidative metabolism of tomato leaves in long-term salt-stress response. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 180 (I): 1-8.
  • Skočibučić, S, Martinac, M, Arapović, J, Grgić, S, Nikolić, J, Hasanagić, D, Bevanda, M, Ravlija, J (2016) HBV and HCV serological monitoring among injection drugs users in opiate substitution treatment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 10 (9): 968-972.


  • Several awards by Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society and by University of Banja Luka for scientific achievements and article publications in international journals
  • Grant of The Government of Republic of Srpska during studying at all levels (undergraduate, master and PhD).
  • The participation at over 20 international and national conferences (plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations)
  • Professional trainings at several Universities abroad (2013 Krakow- AGH University of Science and Technology; 2015 Jerusalem- The Hebrew University, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment; 2020-Palma de Mallorca, UIB University of Balearic Islands, Centre for Postgraduate Studies-Doctoral School; 2020 Belgrade- Institute for Multidisciplinary Research)