• NiR

    Natural hazards – Novi Sad

    Natural hazards research in geography has a long history and has evolved to incorporate the complexities of the physical and human environments, and their interactions. Our understanding of the dimensions of hazards continues to be ever changing. Although they have the characteristic of posing danger to the different social entities of our planet, nevertheless, this …

  • Stipendije

    Study in Korea

    Dear Sir / Madam,The Korean Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (residing in Zagreb) is pleased to share the announcement of the 2018 Global Korea Scholarship: Korean Government Scholarship Program for for Graduate Degrees (KGSP).Please refer to the following notice and attached files, and encourage students who are willing to have the opportunity of studying in …

  • Opšte

    Lektorisanje i prevođenje

    Poštovane koleginice i kolege,Filološki fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci nudi usluge lektorisanja i prevođenja naučnih radova i knjiga na engleski jezik. Kvalitetan prevod naučnih članaka, eseja i knjiga znatno će povećati vaše šanse da strani izdavači prepoznaju kvalitet i prihvate vaše rukopise. Publikacije na engleskom u značajnoj mjeri će doprinijeti vidljivosti vašeg fakulteta i univerziteta na naučnoj mapi Evrope …

  • SP Fizika

    ROBOKIDS predavanje

    CRNE RUPENemanja Rakić, M.A., astrofizičar, PMF Banja Luka 20.02.2018 @ 19:30 – ROBOKIDSPredavač će upoznati publiku sa state-of-the-art saznanjima o crnim rupama. Kako ih proučavamo? Gdje se nalaze? Naposlijetku, predavač će odgovoriti na pitanje šta bi se desilo kad bismo upali u crnu rupu.Crne rupe su ujedno i najčudniji i najfascinantniji objekti u svemiru. To …

  • Opšte

    Skating on Thin Ice

    A Swedish mathematician skates on thin, black ice both as a thrilling pastime and a beautiful acoustic experience. Here’s how he does it (without falling in). Hear the Otherworldly Sounds of Skating on Thin IceBy Amy RankinPUBLISHED January 30, 2018The idiom “skate on thin ice” usually means: danger—stop what you’re doing, or else. However, skating on …

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