• НиР Опште

    Forum Alpbach 2017

    Conflicts and cooperative efforts are capable of destroying established entities, but can also give rise to new foundations. Between August 16 and September 1, 2017, hundreds of pioneers hailing from academic, political, economic, cultural, and civil society backgrounds will present groundbreaking ideas on this tense topic. Travel to Alpbach and immerse yourself into a unique …

  • НиР

    EUA newsletter

    EUA Board elections: Meet the nominees EUA members will have the opportunity to elect three new Board members at the 2017 General Assembly, which will take place on the morning of 6 April before the start of the EUA Annual Conference, hosted by the University of Bergen in Norway. The new Board members will replace …

  • НиР Опште

    International Credit Mobility Handbook for HEIs

    We are delighted to announce that the International Credit Mobility Handbook for HEIs has been published on the Erasmus+ website: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/sites/erasmusplus/files/international-credit-mobility-handbook_en.pdf.  This 25-page guide was produced at the request of several NAs, NEOs and HEIs and aims to support both Programme and Partner Country HEIs in the implementation of their ICM project, from application to …

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    Руски државни универзитет “Пријатељство народа“ (РУДН)

    Руски државни универзитет “Пријатељство народа“ (РУДН) врши пријем студената страних држављана за академску 2017/2018. годину. Настава на факултетима Универзитета обавља се у оквиру 250 образовних програма и сва три циклуса студија, а 40 образовних програма изводи се на енглеском, шпанском или француском језику. Пријем студената и документације потребне за упис ће се вршити до краја …

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