Obuka mladih istraživača u primjeni gasne hromatografije sa masenom spektroskopijom (GC-MS), održana je 27.8.2020. godine. Obuci su prisustvovali master studenti, kao i istraživači aktivni u projektima Studijskog programa hemija. SP Hemija s ponosom ističe da je ovu obuku obavio jedan od istaknutih svršenih studenata ovog studijskog programa, Nemanja Koljančić, master hemije. Kolega Koljančić je nakon uspješno završenih master studija na SP Hemija, primljen na doktorski program na Slovačkom tehničkom univerzitetu u Bratislavi (STU) koji uspješno pohađa. Najnovija saznanja o metodama iz ove oblasti, koja je stekao u Slovačkoj, Nemanja prenosi i na svoj matični fakultet. Na ovaj način mlađi studenti stiču znanje od starijih i učvršćuje se Alumni zajednica hemičara. Ovaj put obavljena obuka biće od značaja za eksperimentalne aktivnosti na više nacionalnih projekata koji su u u toku, naročito onima koji se tiču organske hemije, hemije polimera i hemije životne sredine. Takođe, obuka je dio pripremnih aktivnosti za relizaciju Erasmus+ K1 akcije između naša dva fakulteta koja je odobrena i počeće sljedeće akademske godine.

From one student to another: Training course for GC-MS

Training course for young researchers in Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was held on  August 27, 2020. Participants were master students along with researchers engaged at different projects ongoing at the Chemistry Department. Training was held by Nemanja Koljančić, MA in chemistry, one of the best graduated students of this department. At the moment, Koljančić is a PhD student of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and he is able to transfer newly acquired knowledge. This way, the knowledge is being transfered from older students to their younger colleagues and also Alumni association of chemists is getting stronger. This training is important for experimental activities for a number of national projects that are active at the moment, especially for those in organic chemistry, polymer chemistry and environmental chemistry. This training is also part of the preparatory activities for the realization of the Erasmus+ K1 action between the two institutions which is approved and is starting from next academic year.