Dear UniAdrion members,

on behalf of the Marche Polytechnic University, we are glad to invite you at the 9th REDETE Conference 2022 “Present and future challenges in regional development in the Adriatic-Ionian Region“, which will take place in Ancona on the 15th – 16th September 2022.

REDETE (Researching Entrepreneurship and Economic Development) is a professional network of academics, businesspersons and professionals in the Western Balkan region producing, in cooperation with many other international institutions, applied research on the impacts of globalisation and European integration on local Balkan communities.

Two special sessions will be organized during these days:
  • “Infrastructures on the Adriatic and Ionian seas for the integration of the EUSAIR macro-region”
  • “Increase the potential of the international competitiveness of the Adriatic-Ionian Region filmmaking industry”  

For all relevant information about the Conference please visit the website:

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

 The event is free, but registration is limited, so book now to avoid disappointment.

As mentioned during the last General Assembly held in Tirane on 17th May 2022. we would like to remind you that REDETE is only one of the many events regarding the Adriatic-Ionian region which will be hosted at Marche Polytechjnic University in the week between 12th and 16th September 2022, namely:


  • summer school on „Sustainable Tourism“ (in the framework of the AI-NURECC PLUS project)
  • conference on „Sustainable Tourism“ (in the framework of the AI-NURECC PLUS project)
  • B2B meetings and exhibition of companies coming from EUSAIR countries for the promotion of touristic activities.
Looking forward to seeing you on 15 – 16 September!

Kind regards,

UniAdrion Secretariat 

c/o Università Politecnica delle Marche 

Via Menicucci, 6 

60121 – Ancona 
