EUA Newsletter 19 – 10/11/17

EUA presents detailed proposals for the new Framework Programme for Research & Innovation

With the debate on the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9) in full swing, EUA has launched a set of precise recommendations for the post-2020 period.

In the publication, presented this week at an EUA policy event in Brussels, the Association builds on months of reflection, further defining its vision developed last year, and providing concrete solutions to issues regarding rules and participation criteria.

As one of the first pan-European stakeholders to put forward such proposals, EUA focuses its attention on three key areas that must be addressed in the new programme:

  • provision of long-term policies and funding instruments for research
  • reinforcement of collaboration and minimisation of discrepancies across the EU
  • to seek a stronger alignment of EU policies for education, research and innovation
EUA’s proposals highlight issues such as the need for sustainable funding, incentives fostering multidisciplinarity and a more open scientific system. They also target the complex geographical imbalances present in participation and the use of resources. In addition, the recommendations focus on the need to support the development of human talent as the fundamental driver of innovation.

“Building a more competitive, prosperous and inclusive Europe requires a strong framework programme, capable of fully supporting and leveraging European research and innovation,” said Professor Martine Rahier, EUA Vice-President and Chair of the EUA Research Policy Working Group. “Therefore, it is essential to get it right post-2020.”

EUA’s recommendations build on the Association’s Vision for FP9, member consultation on the Horizon 2020 mid-term review, the campaign for “EU funding for universities”, and the Association’s ongoing work on Open Science and Smart Specialisation. They were prepared in consultation with EUA’s Research Policy Working Group and the EUA Council. EUA’s recommendations also echo several of the ideas presented in the European Commission’s report LAB-FAB-APP Investing in the European Future We Want (the “Lamy” report).


Support EUA’s advocacy for the establishment of a flexible Erasmus+ grant to integrate international talent with a protection status

Scholars and students are among the groups that are frequently persecuted for their academic and civic engagement. Data collected by EUA on the Refugees Welcome Map proves that universities all over Europe already support students and scholars who are obliged to flee their countries. The main reason why universities cannot do more is simply a lack of funding, as they usually have to rely on their own financial resources and the voluntary engagement and commitment of individual staff. Funding and support initiatives exist only at some national levels, and dedicated organisations such as Scholars at Risk and CARA face increasing difficulties to find placements for scholars.
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Open science: EUA publishes statement for EU institutions and national governments and Recommendations on Research Data Management and Text & Data Mining

On 27 October the EUA Council adopted a political statement on Open Science. The document includes key messages from the university sector addressed to EU institutions and national governments, with a view to contributing to the faster development of an open scholarly knowledge exchange system. The statement focuses particularly on prioritising open access to research publications and to research data, and on creating adequate framework conditions for the re-use of research outcomes produced as a result of publicly funded research.
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EUA responds to the European Commission’s Work Programme 2018

The work programme of the European Commission for 2018 was adopted on 24 October. In its response, EUA regrets that the present programme does not include visible efforts to further develop the European Research Area (ERA). By realising Europe’s potential in research and innovation through working seamlessly across borders and closing the innovation divide between the member states, this in itself would be a powerful factor for accomplishing the ambitions of the Commission, creating sustainable growth and jobs for our continent and retaining a competitive industrial base.
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Take part in the EUA Survey on Doctoral Education in Europe

We are happy to invite your institution to take part in the study by answering an online survey. The deadline to complete the survey is 31 January 2018. EUA is carrying out a study on the organisation of doctoral education in Europe. The outcomes of the study will inform future activities of EUA and its Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE). The latter brings together a community of academic leaders and doctoral education professionals from more than 230 universities in over 30 countries.
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Call for applications for new EUA-CDE Steering Committee members

The EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) is seeking to fill two vacant Steering Committee positions. The Committee convenes three to four times a year and prepares and implements the EUA-CDE work programme together with the Secretariat and advises on topics of interest and future activities. Committee members are appointed for a period of three years, once renewable, and the membership is balanced both in terms of geography and gender.
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Call for participation in the 2018 thematic peer groups

EUA is currently looking for universities to join the second round of thematic peer groups, which will start their work in early 2018.
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New EUA members

EUA is very pleased to welcome six new members on board! On 27 October the EUA Council approved six applications for membership from institutions that meet the requirements for EUA membership.We welcome the following individual full members: Mozarteum University Salzburg (Austria); Rheinische Fachhochschule Cologne GmbH (Germany); Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences for Engineering, Business, Computer Science and Design (Germany); Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (Russia); De Montfort University (UK) as well as the following individual associate member, Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University (Kazakhstan).
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Save the date – upcoming inHERE webinars on supporting refugees in European higher education

The inHERE (Higher Education Supporting Refugees in Europe) project continues its series of webinars hosted by the project partner, the University of Barcelona. Its aim is to share innovative approaches from a range of European institutions and organisations, as identified by the inHERE good practice catalogue, and discuss concrete measures to facilitate the integration of refugees in higher education institutions.
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Join our webinar “Lessons learnt from the thematic peer groups on learning and teaching”

Following the work of the 2017 thematic peer groups and the 1st European Learning & Teaching Forum, EUA presents on 29 November at 14.00 CET a webinar that will explore challenges related to linking research and the teaching mission of universities, and investigate what the institutional prerequisites and incentives are to foster the engagement of the university community in developing learning and teaching.
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EUA proposals for the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9)

Brexit & universities FAQ

EUA Statement on Open Science to EU Institutions and National Governments

EUA response to the European Commission’s Work Programme 2018

Towards open access to research data: aims and recommendations for university leaders and National Rectors’ Conferences on Research Data Management and Text and Data Mining

12th European Quality Assurance Forum
University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
23 – 25 November 2017

EUA Focus group: Universities’ Strategies and Practices towards Diversity and Inclusiveness
University of Lille – Human and Social Sciences, France
24 November 2017

EUA webinar: Lessons learnt from the thematic peer groups on learning and teaching
29 November 2017