• NiR

    HII savetovanje: Održivi razvoj

    PREDPOZIVObaveštavamo Vas da će se u maju 2018. godine održati HII savetovanje:Održivi razvoj Braničevskog okruga i energetskog kompleksa KostolacImamo čast da Vas pozovemo da održite predavanje po pozivu iz oblasti održivog razvoja, sa temom iz vaše uže naučne oblasti. Vaš predlog teme predavanja i sam rad dos-tavitinaučnom odborusavetovanjau elektronskom obliku najkasnije do 01.04.2018. godine. VIŠE…

  • NiR

    Natural hazards – Novi Sad

    Natural hazards research in geography has a long history and has evolved to incorporate the complexities of the physical and human environments, and their interactions. Our understanding of the dimensions of hazards continues to be ever changing. Although they have the characteristic of posing danger to the different social entities of our planet, nevertheless, this …

  • NiR

    Joint Research Center (JRC)

    Poziv za korištenje laboratorijaZajednički istraživački centar (JRC) objavio je poziv za korištenje naučnih laboratorija i objekata u  ne-nuklearnim i nuklearnim oblastima.Poziv se odnosi na: – Ne-nuklearna: Laboratorija za nanobiotehnologiju (prijave do 13. aprila 2018. godine) – Nuklearna: Evropska istraživačka infrastruktura za nuklearne reakcije, radioaktivnost, studije zračenja i tehnologije u nauci i primeni ( prijave do …

  • NiR Newsletter -1/18

    In Focus: Science Communication“You don’t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother”. This quote is attributed to Albert Einstein and should be the motto of all professional science communicators. Science communication should be part of a scientist’s everyday life as communicating with society about science and its benefits is more important …

  • NiR

    EUA Newsletter 2

    EUA Newsletter 2 – 02/02/2018EUA reacts: Digital Education Action Plan, Key Competences for Lifelong LearningThe European Commission has issued its “Digital Education Action Plan”, the EU’s first major intervention in the field of digital education since the 2013 “Opening up Education” Communication. EUA welcomes the Plan, but invites the Commission to share more information about …

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