• NiR Opšte

    EUA magazine

    Open access week – state of play in Europe and next stepsThe International Open Access Week will take place between 23 and 29 October and provides the opportuity to showcase universities’ views on the topic and attract attention to a crucial topic for EUA members.As Mary Ritter, Professor Emeritus at Imperial College London, reminds us: …

  • NiR Opšte

    Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program

    Dear All,The U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is pleased to announce the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the 2018-2019 academic year.  Applications are received through December 4, 2017.We hope you will consider sharing program information and the attached materials with scholars, students, academic staff, and anyone you think may be interested in …

  • NiR


    Poštovani predstavnici visokoškolskih institucija i ureda za međunarodnu saradnju,  Obavještavamo vas da će ove godine predstavnik Nacionalne Erasmus kancelarije u BiH učestvovati na sljedećim događajima:1. Erasmus  Forum za međunarodna partnerstva u Berlinu (16-17. oktobar, 2017. godine) i2. Irski Erasmus info dan u Dablinu (24. oktobar, 2017. godine).U skladu sa dosadašnjom praksom, planirali smo prezentovati vaše …

  • NiR

    EUA Newsletter 16

    State of the European Union: research and education essential to meet Europe’s ambitions On 13 September 2017, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, delivered his yearly speech on the state of the Union. After the summer break, this is traditionally the moment to look back at the political developments in the European Union …

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