• NiR Opšte

    International Credit Mobility Handbook for HEIs

    We are delighted to announce that the International Credit Mobility Handbook for HEIs has been published on the Erasmus+ website: This 25-page guide was produced at the request of several NAs, NEOs and HEIs and aims to support both Programme and Partner Country HEIs in the implementation of their ICM project, from application to final …

  • NiR

    EUA Newsletter 3 | 10/2/2017

    EUA’s recommendations for the future Erasmus+ ProgrammeAs a contribution to the ongoing mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ Programme (2014-2020), the “EUA member consultation: A contribution to the Erasmus+ mid-term review” found that the Programme has brought a number of improvements compared to its predecessors. However, the report also highlights areas for improvement, VIŠE…

  • NiR

    CMEPIUS stipendije

    U okviru Protokola o saradnji u oblasti obrazovanja potpisanim između Vlade Republike Slovenije i Savjeta ministara BiH, Centar za mobilnost i evropske programe obrazovanja i osposobljavanja Republike Slovenije (CMEPIUS) ponudio je 18 stipendija za državljane BiH za studij u Sloveniji u akademskoj 2017/2018. godini.Više informacija o stipendijama i prijavni obrasci dostupni su na veb stranici: …

  • NiR

    ERC Funding Opportunities

    In December 2016, The European Research Council’s Widening European Participation had organized the Event:  ERC Funding Opportunities – Supporting Excellent Researchers all over Europe. The event was hosted by the Ministry for Science, Education and Sport, Republic of Slovenia and was held in Ljubljana on the 2nd of December 2016. VIŠE…

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