Termin odbrane doktorata
01/03/2017Javna odbrana doktorske disertacije kandidata mr Dijane Mihajlović održat će se 29.03.2017. godine sa početkom u 12 sati u amfiteatru PMF-a. ODLUKA…
Javna odbrana doktorske disertacije kandidata mr Dijane Mihajlović održat će se 29.03.2017. godine sa početkom u 12 sati u amfiteatru PMF-a. ODLUKA…
Conflicts and cooperative efforts are capable of destroying established entities, but can also give rise to new foundations. Between August 16 and September 1, 2017, hundreds of pioneers hailing from academic, political, economic, cultural, and civil society backgrounds will present groundbreaking ideas on this tense topic.Travel to Alpbach and immerse yourself into a unique surrounding …
With a view to promoting human resource capacities in the developing countries and to enhancing international understanding and friendship among nations and the people of Poland, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow have placed at …
We are delighted to announce that the International Credit Mobility Handbook for HEIs has been published on the Erasmus+ website: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/sites/erasmusplus/files/international-credit-mobility-handbook_en.pdf. This 25-page guide was produced at the request of several NAs, NEOs and HEIs and aims to support both Programme and Partner Country HEIs in the implementation of their ICM project, from application to final …
Ruski državni univerzitet “Prijateljstvo naroda“ (RUDN) vrši prijem studenata stranih državljana za akademsku 2017/2018. godinu. Nastava na fakultetima Univerziteta obavlja se u okviru 250 obrazovnih programa i sva tri ciklusa studija, a 40 obrazovnih programa izvodi se na engleskom, španskom ili francuskom jeziku.Prijem studenata i dokumentacije potrebne za upis će se vršiti do kraja septembra …
Svi studijski programi!Nastava iz predmeta Pedagogija planirana za srijedu 22.02. u 15.00 sati otkazuje se.