
  • Stipendije

    KIIT University India Scholarships Program (KUISP)

    KIIT University in India is happy to announce “KIIT University India Scholarships Program (KUISP)” for academically inclined international students for pursuing higher professional education at KIIT University with half scholarships. We would request that you consider sending two students from your country to KIIT University who may eligible for the half scholarship program (50% of …

  • Stipendije

    University of Ferrara PhD studies

    Dear sirs,I would be grateful if you can inform potential candidates of the opportunities offered by University of Ferrara to international PhD students who will start their doctorate in November 2nd, 2017.Applications have to reach the University of Ferrara by August 1st, 2017.The official announcement is available to the official site: any information please contact:• Ufficio …

  • NiR Stipendije

    Prezentacija stipendija Vlade Japana za 2017. godinu

    Prezentacija stipendija Vlade Japana održat će se 24. maja 2017. godine sa početkom u 12 sati u amfiteatru Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta.  Prezentaciju će održati dr Suzana Gotovac-Atlagić, sa Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci.Budući da je dr Gotovac-Atlagić, kao bivši stipendista Vlade Japana, provela pet godina u ovoj zemlji, osim osnovnih informacija o stipendijama koje nudi Japansko …

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