SP Hemija

  • NiR SP Hemija

    BloW-uP projekat – Kik of sastanak

    Danas je na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci održan prvi sastanak partnera međunarodnog BloW-uP projekta. Projekat vrijedan 120000 € je prvi projekat ove vrste u Republici Srpskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini u cijelosti finansiran od Evropskog instituta za inovacije i tehnologiju.  BloW-uP je počeo je 01.04.2017. godine i trajat će dvije godine.               Na konferenciji …

  • NiR Opšte SP Hemija

    Biodegradable polymers – M. Balaban

    Nakon nekoliko uspješnih sudjelovanja u pisanju monografija koje se bave tetraplastičnim kompozitima u izdanjima Nova Sajens Pablišer (Nova Science Publisher) dr Milica Balaban sa SP Hemija je uspješno doprinjela i objavi međunarodne monografije Biorazgradivi polimeri: skorašnji razvoj i nove prespektive, (Biodegradable polymers: recent developments and new perspectives). Naime, u poglavlju 5 naša koleginica zajedno sa …

  • SP Hemija

    7th EuroVariety

    Belgrade, June 28-30th, 20177th European Variety in University Chemistry Education, run under the auspices of the EuCheMS Division of Chemical Education, attracts chemistry lecturers and educational professionals to improve understanding of chemistry teaching and learning at college and university level. Papers may deal with the practical aspects of teaching chemistry, or with research in chemistry …

  • SP Hemija

    7th EuroVariety

    Belgrade, June 28-30th, 20177th European Variety in University Chemistry Education, run under the auspices of the EuCheMS Division of Chemical Education, attracts chemistry lecturers and educational professionals to improve understanding of chemistry teaching and learning at college and university level. Papers may deal with the practical aspects of teaching chemistry, or with research in chemistry …

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