State of the European Union: research and education essential to meet Europe’s ambitions

On 13 September 2017, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, delivered his yearly speech on the state of the Union. After the summer break, this is traditionally the moment to look back at the political developments in the European Union over the past year and discuss priorities for the year ahead. Jean-Claude Juncker called for a stronger, more united and more democratic Europe against the background of Europe’s achievements during 2017, particularly the economic recovery and falling unemployment in many European countries. He aims for Europe’s industry to be world leader in innovation, decarbonisation and digitisation and announced a new strategy to relaunch European industry and foster free global trade.

EUA welcomes this general pledge for a strong and united Europe, but is convinced that Europe can only meet these ambitions and tackle major societal challenges, such as climate change and migration, through a considerable boost of research and education. In the context of changing labour markets, it is furthermore not possible to envisage a free trading Europe of strong industries without thinking about how Europeans are trained to harness globalisation. Universities play an important role in this regard and this is why a continued dialogue between institutions as well as policy-makers and the society at large is needed to tackle those challenges together.

The full EUA response to the state of the Union address is available on the EUA website.


2018 Erasmus+ Annual Work Programme published

Last month, the European Commission published the 2018 Erasmus+ Annual Work Programme, which defines the structure and funding of Erasmus+ for 2018, outlining the link between the policies and changes from the previous year. In terms of policy priorities, the Commission proposes a high degree of continuity with 2017, with emphasis on activities that address social inclusion and equity in education, training, youth and sport, in line with the Paris Declaration of March 2015.
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Brexit and universities FAQ

What will happen to university collaboration in Europe after Brexit? What do we know, and what do we have to guess? EUA has gathered a few questions that members often raise and provided answers.
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EUA and EARMA organise a seminar on higher education contribution to cooperation for development at the European Parliament

Together with the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA), EUA organises a seminar entitled “Higher education cooperation for development and sustainable development goals: meeting global and regional challenges”. The seminar will be hosted by MEP Bogdan Brunon Wenta, and will take place on 18 October (14.30 – 16.30) at the European Parliament in Brussels.
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A busy year ahead for the EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme

The Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) is preparing for a busy programme of activities in the coming academic year, during which it will complete the evaluations of 21 higher education institutions in seven different countries. Following IEP’s context driven approach, each institution will be evaluated against its own mission and goals by a team of international peers consisting of current and former rectors and vice-rectors, higher education professionals and students from across Europe.
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EUA participation in 11th Annual Strategic Leaders Global Summit on Graduate Education

On 10-12 September 2017, EUA participated in the 11th Annual Strategic Leaders Global Summit on Graduate Education, a high-level global dialogue event held at the Alyeska Resort in Alaska and organised by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS). The CGS represents universities and colleges engaged in graduate education and research in the United States. EUA has collaborated with the CGS for a number of years, notably in the framework of its Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE).
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3rd Academic and Knowledge Summit to take place 5-6 October 2017, University of El Salvador

The 3rd Academic and Knowledge Summit: Towards the construction of a Euro-Latin American and Caribbean common space of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, is taking place in the framework of the structured cooperation between the Heads of State and Government of the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), in which higher education, research, technology and innovation have been assigned particular priority.
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EQAF 2017 early-bird deadline approaching

Register by 9 October 2017 to benefit from the early-bird registration fee for the 12th European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF). After this date, late registration fees will apply. However, you are encouraged to register as soon as possible as capacity is limited and registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
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Reminder USTREAM project: opportunities for peer-learning and hosting a national policy dialogue event

The deadlines to apply for these opportunities offered by the USTREAM project are drawing closer, so make sure not to miss out on them.
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EUA-CDE Thematic Workshop: Call for contributions

The EUA Council for Doctoral Education is pleased to invite its members (please consult the directory in case of doubt) to make a presentation at the 11th EUA-CDE Thematic Workshop, “The Impact and Outcomes of Doctoral Education Reform in Europe”. The event will be hosted by the University of Malta on 18- 19 January 2018 in Valletta.
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inHERE project launches webinar series on supporting refugee students in European higher education

The inHERE (Higher Education Supporting Refugees in Europe) project is launching a series of webinars hosted by the project partner, the University of Barcelona, to share practices and discuss measures to facilitate the integration of refugees in higher education institutions.
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Brexit and universities FAQ

State of the Union: Ambitions need to be backed by boosting research and education

The Future of Europe

EUA’s Response to the Renewed EU Agenda for Higher Education

Excellence, synergies and alignment: Lamy Group sketches out future EU research and innovation programme

1st European Learning & Teaching Forum
University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
28 – 29 September 2017

EUA RIS3 Workshop
University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
17 October 2017

6th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event
Flemish Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
23 – 24 October 2017