Potpisan ugovor i otpočele aktivnosti projekta RIS RESTORE

Studijski program hemija, Prirodno matematičkog fakulteta pristupio je projektu RIS RESTORE finansiranom od strane fonda EIT RawMaterials. Puni naziv projekta je „Procjena jalovišta crvenog mulja u regionu Istočne i Jugoistočne Evrope“. U Bosni i Hercegovini se nalazi nekoliko ovakvih jalovišta a zajedno sa ostalim lokacijama, procjenjuje se da ovog otpadnog materijala ima oko 80 miliona tona u Evropi. Tendencija je međutim da se ovakve sekundarne sirovine istražuju kao potencijalno korisne u raznim granama industrije, što je tema i ovog projekta. Osim što je akcenat na analizi i procjeni prisustva potencijalno korisnih rijetkih zemljanih metala, tim SP Hemija će pokušavati da primijeni principe upotrebe ove jalovine u nanotehnologijama. Ostali članovi međunarodnog konzorcijuma koji čine kolege iz Austrije, Mađarske, Grčke, Hrvatske, Crne Gore, i koordinator Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije, baviće se drugim temama poput primjena crvenog mulja u građevinskoj industriji.

Dana 11.08.2020. održan je sastanak vođa timova SP Hemija i „Alumina“ u projektu, Doc. dr Suzane Gotovac Atlagić i dipl. inž. Dragane Smiljanić u svrhu planiranja terenskih i promotivnih aktivnosti. SP Hemija će usko sarađivati sa tradicionalno dobrim partnerom kompanijom „Alumina“ ali i Federalnim zavodom za geologiju i Univerzitetom u Tuzli, koji su se takođe priključili ovom projektu.



RIS RESTORE project: start of the contract and the activities

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, has joined the RIS RESTORE project funded by the EIT RawMaterials. The full name of the project is „Evaluation of Red Mud Tailings in the Region of East and South-East Europe“. There are several such tailings in Bosnia and Herzegovina and together with other locations, it is estimated that there are about 80 million tons of this waste material in Europe. However, the tendency is that these secondary raw materials are explored as potentially useful in various branches of industry, which is the topic of this project as well. In addition to analysis and assessment of the presence of potentially useful rare earth metals, the Chemistry Department team will try to apply the principles of using this tailings in nanotechnologies. Other members of the international consortium, which consists of colleagues from Austria, Hungary, Greece, Croatia, Montenegro, and the coordinator, the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, will deal with other topics such as the application of red sludge in the construction industry.

On August 11, 2020, a meeting of the team leaders of Chemistry Department and „Alumina“ in the project was held, Dr Suzana Gotovac Atlagić and B. Eng. Dragana Smiljanić in order to prepare the plans for the field and promotional activities. Chemistry Department will work closely with the traditionally good partner, company „Alumina“, but also with the Federal Geological Survey and the University of Tuzla, which have also joined this project.

