Dear Uniadrion Members,

 we hope that all of you, your academic communities and your beloved ones are fine despite the persistence of the Covid-19 emergency.

 We are now kindly asking your collaboration about an on-line survey concerning the study of the level of use of the distance learning tools within the Adriatic-Ionian Region. The spreading of COVID-19 has somehow impacted on the organization of the on-line distance teaching activities as well as the on-line distance general activities of our Universities.  Uniadrion would like to collect information about such changes in order to better plan future activities and to share best practices for the common benefit of us all. With this purpose, we have prepared a short survey which we hope you will take part into. Our suggestion is to forward this message to anyone at your institution you deem relevant (including all your academic staff and students, since it would be important to collect the highest number of opinions). The link to access the survey is the following: 

THIS IS A SURVEY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION ONLINE TEACHING & LEARNING DURING COVID-19 (Spring 2020) Completing the questionnaire takes about ten minutes. Thank you for participating!


 The deadline to fill the survey is Wednesday 10th June 2020.

Kind regards.

The Secretary General

Prof. Andrea Perna