U amfiteatru Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta održan je treći Dan otvorenih vrata u sklopu projekta ECOBIAS – Razvoj master kurikuluma iz ekološkog monitoringa i bioindikacija kopnenih voda na visokoškolskim ustanovama u regionu Zapadnog Balkana, ERASMUS+ (Development of master curricula in ecological monitoring and aquatic bioassessment for Western Balkans HEIs). I ovom prilikom su promovisani kursevi cjeloživotnog učenja (stručni treninzi) iz oblasti ekološkog monitoringa i bioindikacija kopnenih voda u skladu sa potrebama različitih javnih preduzeća zaduženih za monitoring životne sredine. Realizacija kurseva je planirana od ove akademske (2021/2022). godine. Odziv učesnika je bio izuzetno dobar.


The third Open Day was held in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics amphitheater as part of the ERASMUS + ECOBIAS project Development of master curricula in ecological monitoring and aquatic bioassessment for Western Balkans HEIs. On this occasion, lifelong learning courses (professional training) in the field of environmental monitoring and aquatic bioassessment were promoted by the needs of various public companies in charge of environmental monitoring. The realization of the courses is planned for this academic year (2021/2022). The response of the participants was extremely good.