EUA Newsletter 2 – 02/02/2018

EUA reacts: Digital Education Action Plan, Key Competences for Lifelong Learning

The European Commission has issued its “Digital Education Action Plan”, the EU’s first major intervention in the field of digital education since the 2013 “Opening up Education” Communication. EUA welcomes the Plan, but invites the Commission to share more information about the proposed Europe-wide platform for digital higher education, the digital connecting of information systems and other planned measures. In addition, as the Commission has also issued its proposal for the Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, EUA calls on the European Parliament and the Council Policy and Projects to not only emphasise Sciences, Technology and Mathematics (STEM), but also to consider skills and competences deriving from the social sciences and humanities.


New EUA position paper on Learning & Teaching

Based on the work of the EUA Learning & Teaching Initiative and the outcomes of the 1st European Learning & Teaching Forum, the EUA Council endorsed a policy statement on 26 January that addresses the changing learning landscape in European universities.
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EUA issues Energy Action Agenda for universities

In a newly-published Action Agenda, EUA calls for the mobilisation of universities that have or are developing energy-related education and training programmes. The need for clean, sustainable and cheaper energy represents one of Europe’s greatest challenges and universities are central in finding solutions.
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How to simplify participation in EU-funded projects? Have your say!

EUA is calling on its members to share ideas on how to make the administration of EU-funded research projects more efficient and less complex, time-consuming and costly. The EUA survey on simplification of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation will help prepare EUA’s response to the Commission stakeholder consultation on EU funds in the area of investment, research & innovation, SMEs and single market.
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Putting European principles on learning and teaching into practice

The European Forum for Enhanced Collaboration in Teaching (EFFECT) project organised a focus group meeting on 31 January 2018 on the topic of institutional strategies for learning and teaching. The meeting expanded on the working paper European Principles for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching that was published in November 2017 and endorsed by the EUA Council.
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Erasmus+: European Commission publishes midterm evaluation report

On 31 January 2018, the European Commission published the external midterm evaluation report of the Erasmus+ programme. The report, “Combined evaluation of Erasmus+ and predecessor programmes”, is accompanied by the Commission’s own report and a staff working paper. They provide evidence for discussions both on the midterm review and on the development of the post-2020 programme. EUA finds that the external report provides extensive documentation and analyses, however some important findings are not even based on Erasmus+, but on its predecessor programmes.
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EUA focus group on universities and public engagement

How can universities facilitate and encourage engagement with the rest of society? EUA gathered participants from 20 universities across Europe to discuss this question at the Open University of Barcelona on 19 January 2018.
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Registrations are now open for a webinar where the outcomes of the EQUIP project ‘Enhancing quality through innovative policy & practice’ will be presented, of which EUA is a partner. The webinar will take place on Wednesday 28 February at 14.00-15.00 CET.
Read more Invitation: EUA doctoral education event, 28 March, Brussels

EUA and its Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) invite you to the doctoral education event “The transformation of doctoral education: why it matters for Europe”. The event will take place on 28 March 2018 at 17.00 hrs. at the Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts in Brussels, Belgium. It will be followed by a networking reception.
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Learning and Teaching in Europe’s Universities – An EUA position paper

Energy Transition and the Future of Energy Research, Innovation and Education: An Action Agenda for European Universities

Energy Research and Education at European Universities

Public Funding Observatory Report 2017

Brexit and universities FAQ

All Publications

Enhancing Quality through Innovative Policy and Practice: Dissemination and discussion of the findings of the EQUIP project

Fondation Universitaire, Brussels, Belgium

27 February 2018

EUA webinar: Enhancing quality: from policy to practice

28 February 2018

Energy Clustering Event

Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France

21 – 22 March 2018

All Events