U Krakovu u Poljskoj je od 08.-10.10.2020. održana 30. tradicionalna Centralnoevropska i međunarodna konferencija ECOPOLE21′ u organizaciji poljskog Društva za ekološku hemiju i inženjerstvo. I pored otežanih uslova rada organizatori su uspjeli da obezbijede živo prisustvo uglednih govornika sa evropskih univerziteta i Poljske akademije nauka. U okviru od oko 30% programa koji je prezentovan direktnim online prenosima, jednosatnu prezentaciju je imala i dobitnica Nobelove nagrade Prof. dr Ada Yonath iz Izraela. Mjere zaštite od epidemije u toku skupa su bile na visokom nivou, ali je ipak bilo moguće ostvariti značajnu komunikaciju između kolega i govornika uz dosta diskusije i pitanja.

RIS RESTORE projekat u kome učestvuje SP Hemija je predstavljen usmenom prezentacijom preliminarnih rezultata četiri BiH tima, a govornik je bila Doc. dr Suzana Gotovac Atlagić, koja je prezentovala uživo. Dobijene su važne sugestije od kolega, posebno od timova iz Poljske i Češke koji se bave sličnom tematikom, poput upravljanja „hotspots“ tj. lokacijama zagađenim toksičnim metalima kojih ima u ovim zemljama, što će biti značajno za razvoj daljih RIS RESTORE aktivnosti i istraživanja.





The 30th traditional Central European and International Conference ECOPOLE21′ was organized In Krakow, Poland, from 08.-10.10.2020, by the Polish Society for Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. Despite the difficult working conditions, the organizers managed to ensure the live presence of distinguished speakers from European universities and the Polish Academy of Sciences. As part of about 30% of the program that was presented live online, a one-hour presentation was given by Nobel Prize winner Prof. Dr Ada Yonath from Israel. Epidemic protection measures during the meeting were at a high level, but it was still possible to achieve significant communication between colleagues and speakers with a lot of discussion and questions.

The RIS RESTORE project, in which the Chemistry Department is participating, was presented by an oral presentation of the preliminary results of four BiH teams, and the speaker was Doc. Dr Suzana Gotovac Atlagić from the University of Banja Luka, who presented live. Important suggestions were received from colleagues, especially from teams from Poland and the Czech Republic that deal with similar topics, such as the management of „hotspots“, ie. locations contaminated with toxic metals in these countries, which will be important for the development of further RIS RESTORE  activities and research.