Istraživači i profesori iz Beograda i Banje Luke su u amfiteatru Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, a u organizaciji Studijskog programa za hemiju PMF BL i Studijskog programa za fiziku PMF BL, prezentovali nekoliko baza podataka koje sadrže podatke koji se koriste u istraživanjima (i obrazovanju) vezanim za atome, molekule i njihove optičke osobine.
Predavanjima su bile obuhvaćene četiri baze podataka:
BEAMDB (Belgrade Electron Atom Molecule DataBase)
VAMDC (Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre)
RADAM (RADiation DAMage)
SDSB (Spectral Database for Organic Compounds)
Takođe, prikazane su metode koje se koriste u dobijanju podataka u fizici sudara elektrona sa atomima metala i molekula relevantnih za građu biloških makromolekula. Predavanja su ralizovali prof. dr Bratislav Marinković (Institut za fiziku u Beogradu-IFB), dr Jelena Maljković (IFB), prof. dr Milica Balaban (PMF Banja Luka) i prof. dr Branko Predojević (PMF Banja Luka). U cilju kompletiranja sadržaja, nakon predavanja, je organizovan trening u korišćenju BEAMDB i VAMDC standarda (Stefan Ivanović-IFB). Predavanja i trening su dio dugogodišnje saradnje Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci i Laboratorije za fiziku atomskih sudarnih procesa Instituta za fiziku u Beogradu, a organizovana su u okviru VAMDC Open Call 2016#1 koji obezbjeđuje finansijsku podršku za širenje ove tematike.

Presentation of several databases that contain Atomic-Molecular-Optical (AMO) data used in research and education in physics and chemistry are given at the large amphitheater of Faculty of Science, University of Banja Luka by researchers and professors from Belgrade and Banja Luka. Four invited talks covered the following databases:
BEAMDB (Belgrade Electron Atom Molecule DataBase)
VAMDC (Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre)
RADAM (RADiation DAMage)
SDSB (Spectral Database for Organic Compounds)
Also, experimental methods used by data providers in electron collision physics were explained in detail by examples of metal atoms and molecules of biological relevance. Presentations were given by prof. Bratislav Marinkovic (IPB), dr Jelena Maljkovic (IPB), prof. Milica Balaban (UBL) and prof. Branko Predojevic (UBL). One hour training workshop led by assistant Stefan Ivanovic (IPB) was given at the computer classroom. It complemented the previous talks giving the “hands-on” instructions on BEAMDB and VAMDC standards. The presentations and tutorial workshop are part of longstanding collaborations between Laboratory of Atomic Collision Processes, Institute of Physics Belgrade and Faculty of Sciences, University of Banja Luka and it was organized under the VAMDC Open Call 2016#1 which provided financial support for the dissemination event.