Održan seminar

„Sinergija industrije i akademije za jačanje istraživanja u oblasti sirovina“

(Industry and academic synergy for strengthening of raw materials research)

U sklopu projekta „BlowUp“ na kome u međunarodnom konzorcijumu od 9 partnera učestvuje i Studijski program hemija PMF-a, 04.09.2018. održan je seminar za umrežavanje sa industrijom. Ovaj put, tema seminara bilo je i eliminacija zagađenja koja nastaje preradom sirovina i materijala. Seminar je održan u organizaciji Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci i LIR evolucije kao učesnika projekta i u tijesnoj saradnji sa Gradskom razvojnom agencijom (CIDEA) Banja Luka, koja je značajan partner Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci u pripremi projektnih aplikacija i povezivanju sa industrijom.

Naročito interesantno je bilo i prisustvo dva predstavnika kompanije SES Nordic iz Danske. Ova kompanija proizvodi biološke agense za razgradnju i eliminaciju zagađenja mazivima i naftnim derivatima. Dan prije seminara tehnologija je demonstrirana na terenu na stacionarnoj vodenoj površini. Obzirom da je trenutno u toku eksperiment u projektu za razvoj domaćih maziva (kompanije „Tehnosint“) unaprijeđenih aditivima od nanočestica, tematika eliminacije eventualnog zagađenja mazivima je bila vrlo značajna. U eksperimentu učestvuje i mladi ekspert za karbonske materijale Hironori Sugijama sa Šinšu univerziteta u Naganu, Japan, koji boravi na tromjesečnoj razmjeni na Studijskom programu hemija u okviru Memoranduma o razumijevanju između ovog univerziteta i Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci. Ova razmjena je ostvarena preko programa Global Leader Program for Fiber Renaissance.

Seminaru je prisustvovao i ugledni međunarodni ekspert prof. dr Marcel Van de Voorde autor vrhunskih publikacija iz oblasti nanonauka, koji je dao svoju viziju o razvoju samo-podmazujućih naprednih materijala kao alternativu za maziva u budućnosti.

A seminar held: Industry and academic synergy for strengthening of raw materials research

As a part of the „BlowUp“ project, in which the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics participates in an international consortium of 9 partners, on September 4, 2018. a seminar on networking with industry was held. This time, the topic of the seminar was the elimination of pollution caused by the processing of raw materials. The seminar was organized by the University of Banja Luka and LIR Evolution as a project participant and in close cooperation with the City Development Agency (CIDEA) Banja Luka, which is a significant partner of the University of Banja Luka in preparing project applications and connecting with industry.

The presence of two representatives of SES Nordic Company from Denmark was especially interesting. This company produces biological agents for the decomposition and elimination of pollution with lubricants and petroleum products. The day before the seminar, the technology was demonstrated in the field on a stationary water surface. Considering that an experiment is currently underway in the project for the development of domestic lubricants (the company „Tehnosint“) improved with nanoparticle additives, the topic of eliminating possible contamination with lubricants was very important. Hironori Sugiyama, a young carbon materials expert from Shinshu University in Nagano, Japan, who is on his internship at the Chemistry Study Program within the Memorandum of Understanding between the Shinshu University and the University of Banja Luka, is also participating in the experiment. This exchange was made through the Global Leader Program for Fiber Renaissance.

The seminar was also attended by a distinguished international expert, Prof. Dr. Marcel Van de Voorde from Belgium, the author of top publications in the field of nanoscience, who gave his vision on the development of self-lubricating advanced materials as an alternative to lubricants in the future.