![Природно математички факултет Бања Лука](https://old.pmf.unibl.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/IMG_20170916_111101.jpg)
Дан отворених врата Универзитета
18/04/2018У оквиру манифестације “Дани студената Универзитета у Бањој Луци“, 18. априла 2018. године од 12 часова, биће организован Дан отворених врата Универзитета у Бањој Луци за матуранте из Републике Српске. Инфо дан за матуранте биће организован за 2.000 матураната из највећих локалних заједница у Републици Српској. Осим пленарног представљања Универзитета од стране ректора проф. др …
PhD Student Position available
13/04/2018The Kolektor Group Company will be in the mid-2018 recruiting an Early-stage researcher (PhD student) in the framework of the European Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. The ESR will be employed for a period of 36 months at the Kolektor Group Company, Slovenia, and will be part of a network of 15 PhD students enrolled …
Конференција ЦМБЕБИХ
12/04/2018CMBEBIH CMBEBIH is an exciting, informative and inspiring conference with aim of sharing ideas, experiences, best practices and latest advancements in Biomedical Engineering and all related fields. Our mission is to promote Biomedical Engineering worldwide, especially in the region of Southeast Europe, as well as to establish and strengthen scientific collaborations. We will bring together leading researchers, academic scientists, engineers, scholars together with amazing speakers we …
Увид јавности: докторска дисертација
12/04/2018Увид јавности: докторска дисертација
Journal of Engineering and Processing Management
02/04/2018Dear fellow colleagues, As the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Engineering and Processing Management, I am pleased to invite you to submit your manuscript for publication in the journal. The journal has completed eight successful years of publication and it contains contributions from authors all around the globe. Please view the previous issues of the journal …