U organizaciji Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta 21.10.2021. godine održan je seminar u okviru projekta RIS RESTORE: Primarne i sekundarne sirovine u savremenom inženjerstvu materijala.

Seminaru su prisustvovali stručnjaci iz cijele zemlje, predstavnici industrije, visokoobrazovnih institucija, instituta, ministarstava, kao i studenti viših godina Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta. Svi timovi iz Bosne i Hercegovine na RIS RESTORE projektu prisustvovali su i bili prezenteri na seminaru: Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci (Prirodno-matematički fakultet), Univerzitet u Tuzli (Rudarsko-geološko-građevinski fakultet), Federalni zavod za geologiju i kompanija Alumina d.o.o. Važno za projekat i stručnu javnost bilo je i prisustvo i prezentacije koordinatorskog tima sa Zavoda za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG).

Seminar je održan u amfiteatru Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, a nakon seminara je nastavljeno druženje i dalja diskusija o prezentovanim temama. Fokus je bio tema projekta, problematika crvenog mulja, ali učesnici su imali priliku da steknu nova znanja i informacije iz multidisciplinarnih oblasti: iskorišćavanje drugih prirodnih i sekundarnih sirovina u savremenom inženjerstvu materijala. Skup je zatvoren izlaganjem o dobrim praksama u zaštiti životne okoline i novim nanotehnologijama u Japanu, mladih izlagača koji su se nedavno vratili sa usavršavanja iz te zemlje.


The red mud united the academic and industrial community from the region

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics hosted a live seminar within the project RIS RESTORE. Seminar was titled „Primary and secondary raw materials in modern materials engineering“ and was held on October 21, 2021, 

Seminar was attended by experts from all over the country, representatives of industry, higher education institutions, institutes, ministries, as well as by senior students of the Faculty of Science. All teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina at the RIS RESTORE project attended and were also presenters at the seminar: University of Banja Luka (Faculty of Science), University of Tuzla (Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering), Federal Institute of Geology and Alumina d.o.o. The presence and presentation of the coordinating team from the Civil Engineering Institute of Slovenia (ZAG) was also important for the project and the professional public.

The seminar was held in the amphitheatre of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and after the seminar, socializing and further discussion on the presented topics continued. Focus was the topic of the project, the issue of red mud, but the participants had the opportunity to gain new knowledge and information from multidisciplinary areas: the use of other natural and secondary raw materials in modern materials engineering. Meeting was closed with a presentation on good practices in environmental protection and new nanotechnologies in Japan, by young experts who have recently returned from the research engagement in that country.

