Open access week – state of play in Europe and next steps

The International Open Access Week will take place between 23 and 29 October and provides the opportuity to showcase universities’ views on the topic and attract attention to a crucial topic for EUA members.

As Mary Ritter, Professor Emeritus at Imperial College London, reminds us: “Science must be open if we are to have impact on the ‘wicked’ problems that face the world today – such as climate change, energy, food and scarce resources. This means open access to the results of research so that they can be translated into action and impact as quickly as possible”.

The political momentum achieved in the areas of open access and open science in recent years has greatly contributed to European universities and the scientific system coming closer to a scenario of full open access to research publications by 2020. Despite these efforts, much remains to be achieved before full open access can be ubiquitous. Governments, National Rectors’ Conferences and university leaders at national level, together with stakeholders at European level, need to mobilise their institutions and come together in the development of guidelines and activities to support open access.

EUA on Open Access
Last June, EUA released a series of aims and recommendations on open access “Towards Full Open Access in 2020: aims and recommendations for university leaders and National Rectors’ Conferences”, with the purpose of further assisting European universities and National Rectors’ Conferences (NRCs) in the transition towards a more open scholarly communication system.

A common position is proposed to the EUA Council for adoption during their meeting of 27 October, based on the 2016 Roadmap on Open Access to Research Publications which stated that “EUA aims to contribute to a publishing system that is simultaneously fair and transparent for stakeholders, in particular universities, research institutions, libraries, researchers, research funders, learned societies and commercial publishers”.

EUA will present the first results of its 2016/2017 report on Open Access in European Universities during open access week as well. In the meantime, Professor Jean-Pierre Finance, Chair of the Expert Group on Science 2.0/Open Science, summarised the latest developments on the issue and the state of play in Europe.

The International Open Access week is a key moment to reinforce our positions and we encourage all members to support the campaign by using the hashtag #OAweek on social media and promoting their best practices during that week.


Higher education cooperation for development and the Sustainable Development Goals: report from the EARMA/EUA seminar

On 18 October, EUA and EARMA, the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators, co-organised a seminar entitled “Higher education cooperation for development and Sustainable Development Goals: Meeting global and regional challenges”.
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The 6th ASEF Rectors’ Conference issues policy recommendations for Asian and European ministers of education

The 6th Asia-Europe Foundation Rectors’ Conference and Students’ Forum (ARC6) took place at Singapore Management University on 9-13 October 2017. ARC6 issued a set of policy recommendations on the future of higher education to be conveyed to the next Asia-Europe Meeting of Education Ministers.
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Effective simplification for FP9: EUA kicks off informal dialogue with major stakeholders

As part of its continuous effort to advance the simplification agenda, EUA convened an informal stakeholder meeting on the simplification of the future Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9) in Brussels earlier this month.
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A step forward in Europe-Latin America higher education and research cooperation

Over 250 members of the EU, Latin American and Caribbean academic and scientific community convened in El Salvador at the University of El Salvador on 5-6 October, for the EU-CELAC Academic and Knowledge Summit, an event to feed structured input from representative associations and networks of both regions into the forthcoming EU- CELAC Heads of State Summit.
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EUA Secretary General Lesley Wilson gives keynote speech at Annual Assembly of CLADEA at California State University, San Bernardino

Speaking on the topic of ‘Breaking the mould: anticipating the future of global education’, EUA Secretary General Lesley Wilson gave the keynote address at the 52nd Annual Assembly of CLADEA (Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuela de Administración), the Latin American Council of Management Schools, which took place on 17-19 October at California State University, San Bernardino.
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2nd European Learning & Teaching Forum 2019: Call for host

Following the success of the 1st European Learning & Teaching Forum, EUA is now seeking a host for the second Forum, which is scheduled to take place in February 2019.
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Register now for the 11th EUA-CDE Thematic Workshop

Registrations are now open for the 11th EUA-CDE Thematic Workshop, “The Impact and Outcomes of Doctoral Education Reform in Europe”. The event will be hosted by the University of Malta on 18 -19 January 2018 in Valletta.
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Brexit and universities FAQ

State of the Union: Ambitions need to be backed by boosting research and education

The Future of Europe

EUA’s Response to the Renewed EU Agenda for Higher Education

Excellence, synergies and alignment: Lamy Group sketches out future EU research and innovation programme

6th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event
Flemish Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
23 – 24 October 2017

EUA-CDE Focus group: Implementing an Ethos of Research Integrity in Doctoral Education
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
24 – 25 October 2017

EUA Policy Event: The universities’ recommendations for an efficient and ambitious FP9
European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
9 November 2017