EUA Newsletter 12 – 16/06/2017

Time for a quantum leap in EU research funding – an editorial from EUA President Rolf Tarrach

Europe needs more ambitious research funding, or risks losing precious knowledge, writes Rolf Tarrach in an editorial published on 30 May.
The European Union is currently defining its priorities for the next decade. The scientific community takes this opportunity to remind European policymakers that research and innovation propel both societal progress and sustainable economic growth.Universities are the unique places for production and dissemination of new knowledge, which are fundamentally important for society. Universities have been benefitting from, and contributing to the EU research framework programmes (FPs) for decades.

The EU framework programme is one of the most powerful instruments the EU has developed to support excellent science and outstanding collaborative research across Europe and internationally. It has further structured and scaled up the scientific community’s efforts and capacity to tackle large-scale, ‘big picture’ challenges which will define the way we live tomorrow.

The FP has generated so much interest among stakeholders that one might say it has been too successful in attracting first class participation. At the same time, despite significant efforts, FP spending has not kept up with the demands of increasingly knowledge-driven societies.
Read the full editorial

More information: Brussels backs EUA’s call for ambitious research funding


Join the EUA-CDE Annual Meeting “Digitalisation: A game changer for doctoral education?” via Facebook live today at 12.30

The EUA Council on doctoral education will be live on Friday 16 June, from 12.30 to 14.00 (CEST) during the plenary session on “New Skills in Doctoral Education and Research Training”. The session will focus on how the doctoral schools, which are uniquely positioned to respond to the demand for new skills in a digital society, can shape the professional capacities of highly skilled doctorate holders. The speakers will reflect on the needs of a fast-changing society and highlight the role doctoral education plays in universities by helping society to address the challenges of digitalisation.
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EUA contributes to a common understanding of quality assurance in Africa

EUA took part in delivering the training course on developing a common understanding on quality assurance (QA) in Africa. The event took place on 31 May-2 June in Accra, Ghana, as part of the HAQAA Initiative, which is an important part of the framework of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy.
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The USTREAM project provides you with new opportunities to shape the European agenda on efficient university management

EUA is organising a series of events with the aim to foster the exchange of good practices in the field of strategic, efficient and autonomous management of universities by using collected institutional and system-level evidence.
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EUA webinar on Brexit: what will it mean for universities

On 7 June 2017, EUA organised a webinar on Brexit: What will it mean for universities? The webinar aimed at giving a factual overview of Brexit for the university sector, as seen from the UK viewpoint as well as from Brussels.
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University Autonomy in Europe III: The Scorecard 2017

EUA Response to Key Competences for Lifelong Learning

EUA Annual Report 2016

EUA’s Reponse to the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

10th EUA-CDE Annual Meeting
Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia
15-16 June 20171st European Learning & Teaching Forum
University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
28-29 September 2017

EUA RIS3 Workshop
University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
17 October 2017