EUA releases new data on public funding for universities

The findings of the 2017 Public Funding Observatory are now available on the EUA website. The study, fuelled by data from EUA members, is presented in a report and online tool. It captures the very latest funding trends in Europe and offers the most up-to-date information on 34 different higher education systems.

The analysis reveals that since the 2008 financial crisis, the divide between higher education systems that increase public funding, and those that reduce investment, is getting wider. It also shows that while 2012 was the most difficult year in terms of cuts, any recovery that can now be detected is slow and fragile.

“Once university funding is cut, it takes a long time to catch up. Decreases may hit all activity areas, including teaching, research, infrastructure and staff,” explains Thomas Estermann, EUA’s Director of Governance, Funding and Public Policy Development. “If Europe sees more economic growth, we need to seize the opportunity to invest in higher education and set the stage for long-term sustainable funding trends.”

Student numbers and dynamic economic contexts affect university funding. A handful of countries have increases that match student numbers and GDP growth, while others demonstrate the need to investment more in order to close the gap.
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Brexit negotiations: First phase ends on a positive note for universities

On 8 December 2017, the European Commission and the British government declared that they had reached an agreement on citizens’ rights after Brexit, the status of the Irish border, and the financial settlement. EU member states’ leaders still have to formally agree to it at the summit on 15 December, but it is very likely that they will follow the recommendations by the European Commission. This means that the second phase of negotiations, dedicated to the future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union after March 2019, can begin next year.
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EU Competitiveness Council echoes EUA recommendations for the Next Framework Programme

The EU Competitiveness Council convened on 1 December 2017 and made a forceful commitment to the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. EUA welcomes the Council’s conclusions as they were very much in line with proposals presented in the Association’s recently published recommendations. However, EUA calls on the Council to take a deeper look at several matters that need to be addressed to make the next Framework Programmea powerful successor to Horizon 2020.
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Collaboration at the heart of the discussions at the USTREAM seminar on efficiency in Dublin

More than 30 higher education managers, policy makers and sector representatives met in Dublin last week with the aim to exchange good practices in efficiency and effectiveness of higher education management at various levels. This second USTREAM peer learning seminar was jointly organised by the Irish Universities Association (IUA) and EUA on 4 and 5 December.
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EUA joins in discussion on “Academic freedom: a universal right at stake!?”

EUA’s Secretary General, Lesley Wilson, took part in an international conference on the topic of “Academic freedom: a universal right at stake!?”, held on 8 December in Berne, Switzerland. The event was convened by the Delegate for Human Rights of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.
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EUA focus group explores institutional strategies towards diversity and inclusiveness

On 24 November vice-rectors and managers from 20 EUA member universities met at the University of Lille – Human and Social Sciences in France to discuss institutional approaches and strategies towards diversity and inclusiveness.
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EFFECT project – Reminder: Call for participation for institutional strategies in Learning and Teaching

Apply before 20 December 2017 under the call for participation launched in November 2017 by the European Forum for Enhanced Collaboration in Teaching (EFFECT) project, funded under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme and coordinated by EUA.
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President of EUA, Professor Rolf Tarrach, repeats the call on Iranian authorities to reverse the confirmed death sentence against Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali

The Iranian Supreme Court considered and confirmed on 9 December the imprisoned scholar Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali’s death sentence, initially issued on 21 October. In grave concern of Dr. Djalali’s critical situation and in a collective effort to increase international pressure that can facilitate his release, the European University Association is urging all members to send their own letter to the Iranian authorities to state their support to the imprisoned scholar, and request the reversing of his death sentence.
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Third Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference highlights crucial role of university governance

The conference, which was organised in Bucharest, Romania, on 27-29 November, is part of the European Higher Education Area official calendar of events and conferences, promoting and sustaining the development of EHEA. It aims at providing a unique forum for dialogue between researchers, experts and policy makers in the field of higher education. The conference brought together higher education researchers ahead of the Bologna Process Ministerial Conference to be held in Paris in May 2018.
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The 6th ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting issues the Seoul Declaration: enhancing collaboration between Asia and Europe in the next decade

EUA, as the stakeholder organisation representing European universities, participated to the 6th Asia-Europe Education Ministers’ Meeting (ASEM ME6), which took place in Seoul, Korea, on 21-22 November.
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30 years Erasmus+ programme: end of celebrations, dawn of a more ambitious vision

After a year of looking back into the evolution of what started as a student mobility programme in 1987, today marks the end of the Erasmus+ programme 30th anniversary celebration. This is a great opportunity to take stock of the Erasmus+ achievements, suggest improvements and raise the bar for an even more ambitious scheme beyond 2020.
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Registration opens for EUA Annual Conference 2018

Registration is open for the EUA Annual Conference 2018 on ‘Engaged and responsible universities shaping Europe’. The event will take place at the University of Zurich, Switzerland on 5-6 April 2018.
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Call for Hosts 2019 EUA-CDE Events

The EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) is currently looking for members to host its two main events in 2019. Hosting an EUA-CDE event is a unique opportunity to showcase the achievements of your institution in the field of doctoral education to a European audience of academic leaders and doctoral education professionals.
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The European University Association team wishes you happy holidays.
Our newsletter will be back on 19 January 2018
Brexit and universities FAQ

EUA’s Learning and Teaching Initiative – Report from the thematic peer groups in 2017

Strengthening ties between Europe and its neighbours by supporting universities

Universities and the European Neighbourhood

EUA welcomes Commission initiative putting education at the heart of a more social Europe

EUA proposals for the Next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9)

11th EUA-CDE Thematic Workshop
University of Malta, Valletta, Malta
18 – 19 January

EUA Focus group: Universities and Public Engagement
Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
19 January

EUA webinar: Ten Principles for Enhancing Learning & Teaching at the European level
1 February 2018

EUA 2018 Annual Conference
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
5 – 6 April 2018