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EUA Newsletter 15 – 08/09/2017

Showcase your Horizon 2020 experience and join EUA campaign for an ambitious European Framework Research & Innovation programme

With the start of the new academic year, EUA calls on universities to contribute to its campaign for an ambitious framework research programme to cover the period 2021-27, allowing to strengthen EUA’s position as a major stakeholder in these discussions. EUA remains fully committed to achieve optimal conditions for universities to participate in the next EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation (FP9). In the first half of the year, the Association exploited the outcomes of its 2016 membership consultation to promote a more effective and efficient programme in the post-2020 period.

EUA is pleased to see that many of its arguments have been taken on board by the Brussels policy-makers and welcomes a growing recognition of the underfunding challenge by the European Commission and initial indications that FP9 will aim at contributing to enhance the link between research, innovation and education. However, much remains to be done to convince national governments to match financially the EU’s ambitions for research. In the summer, the EU Council proposed a significantly smaller increase to the Horizon 2020 budget for 2018 than was set out in the Commission’s draft budget for next year. These developments create further concern about sufficient future funding for FP9 and point to the need for a stronger communication of universities’ contributions to society through their participation in the EU Framework Programme.

In seeking to support its core messages with the concrete examples of universities’ engagement, EUA invites its members to contribute to its new collection of cases on “Universities for FP9”. The collection will help EUA to share the stories of the sector with EU and national decision-makers, inspired by good practices and lessons learnt. It will support EUA advocacy activities promoting sound research policies, sustainable and simple funding instruments and effective regulations.

The call for contributions is available on the EUA website and the first collection round will end on 2 October 2017. Other rounds will be announced throughout the campaign in 2018 and 2019.
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EUA and leading research groups express concern about EU Copyright Reform

EUA has signed a joint Open Letter in collaboration with other stakeholders to express its alarm at the potentially damaging effects of the proposals currently in Parliament and Council for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on copyright in the Digital Single Market.
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First Learning and Teaching Forum: European universities to discuss active learning and innovative teaching in the knowledge economy

Registration for the event will close on 13 September but with already over 250 participants, the First Learning and Teaching Forum promises to be an exciting gathering for EUA members on 28-29 September in Paris.
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Universities are ready to contribute to the Future of Europe

In the past months, the European Commission has issued a series of papers on the future of Europe, including a White Paper on what the governance model and tasks of the Union should be, and several reflection papers on how the EU should deal with immediate, serious challenges such as the need to deepen the social dimension of Europe and harness globalisation.
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EUA opinion poll on the impact of new simplification measures introduced for Horizon 2020 

As a follow-up to its 2016 Horizon 2020 member consultation, EUA is calling its members to share ideas on how to make the administration of EU-funded research projects less complex and resource intensive, by 29 September 2017.
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Registrations open for EUA-CDE Focus Group “Implementing an Ethos of Research Integrity in Doctoral Education”

Registrations are now open for the EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) Focus Group on “Implementing an Ethos of Research Integrity in Doctoral Education”. The deadline to register is 5 October 2017.
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Register now: Workshop on “Universities in regional innovation ecosystems: coherent policies for Europe beyond 2020” (Tartu, Estonia), 17 October 2017

The workshop is organised in the framework of the activities of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the goal to develop a series of recommendations for actions to improve the effectiveness of European regional research and innovation funds, both at governance and operational levels. It will also serve as a forum to strengthen the strategic role that universities play in their regional innovation ecosystems, and to contribute to the shape of RIS3 beyond 2020.
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Efficiency from the Irish perspective: last chance to apply for the 2nd USTREAM seminar in Dublin

University leaders and managers can still apply to participate in the 2nd USTREAM peer learning seminar on national and institutional approaches to the delivery of efficiency in higher education institutions, by 18 September 2017. The seminar will take place in Dublin on 4 and 5 December 2017.
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Registrations open for “European Universities in the Energy Transition: Towards a Clean Energy Future”, 23-24 October 2017, Brussels

The European Platform of Universities in Energy Research & Education (EUA-EPUE) and the UNI-SET consortium are welcoming registrations for the 6th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event on the topic „Universities in the Energy Transition: Towards a Clean Energy Future„. Registration is free of charge and will close on 16 October 2017.
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The Future of Europe

EUA’s Response to the Renewed EU Agenda for Higher Education

Excellence, synergies and alignment: Lamy Group sketches out future EU research and innovation programme

Towards Full Open Access in 2020: aims and recommendations for university leaders and National Rectors’ Conferences

1st European Learning & Teaching Forum
University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
28 – 29 September 2017

EUA RIS3 Workshop
University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
17 October 2017

6th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event
Flemish Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
23 – 24 October 2017