Dvojezični članak SRPSKI / ENGLESKI (niže)
Bilingual article SERBIAN / ENGLISH (bellow)

U okviru programa Erasmus+ KA1, u decembru 2019, devetnaest nastavnika sa državnih univerziteta iz Bosne i Hercegovine boravilo je u Poatjeu 5 radnih dana. Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci su predstavile Prof.dr Željka Babić sa filološkog i Doc.dr Suzana Gotovac Atlagić sa Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta. Pored naših nastavnika, u timu su bili i predstavnici Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, Univerziteta u Zenici, te kolege sa Univerziteta „P.G. Demidov“ iz Jaroslava, Ruska Federacija. Cilj boravka nastavnika je bila obuka, i to konkretno upoznavanje sa oblastima organizacije univerziteta u kojima Poatje ima visoke standarde. Tako su profesori osim same administracije za međunarodnu saradnju predvođene prorektoricom za tu oblast, upoznali i ustanove za podršku studentima kao što su kulturni centar („Kuća studenata“), te kampus, savremena biblioteka sa medijatekom i mini-hub prostorijama koje studenti mogu rezervisati za rad na svojim projektima u grupama i mnoge druge objekte. Takođe je predstavljena i viševjekovna, opsežna zbirka eksponata i naučnih uzoraka koja se sistematizuje i usklađuje sa bazama sličnih podataka u cijeloj Francuskoj (oblasti biologije, paleontologije, hemije, zoologije…). Bosanskohercegovački predstavnici su bili iz različitih oblasti, pa su tako imali konačno i mogućnost da se zbliže svako sa svojim kolegama u dijelu programa gdje su odvojeni u grupe.

Za PMF je najznačanije to što je naš predstavnik, inače nastavnik SP Hemija, imala priliku da predstavi rad studenata i nastavnika u oblasti nauka o materijalima na PMF-u i to kolegama sa Instituta za hemiju u Poatjeu. Kolege su izrazile interesovanje za naš rad na nedovoljno eksploatisanim prirodnim alumosilikatima iz Bosne i Hercegovine, ali i na reciklaži sekundardnih sirovina iz industrije na kojima radimo (poput otpadne mikrosilike iz fabrike „RS Silikon“ ili otpadnih muljeva iz rudnika Omarska i Gros). Uspostavljena je direktna saradnja sa profesoricom Celine Fontaine i profesorom Frederic Richard-om, koji bi trebalo da posjete naš Fakultet u toku 2020. godine. Tim iz Poitiers-a je ponudio razmjenu uzoraka materijala i zajedničke karakterizacije a sve u cilju kvalitetnih kolaborantskih publikacija na međunarodnom nivou. Takođe, otvorena je i mogućnost razmjene studenata, kako klasične jednosemestralne Erasmus+ razmjene tako i boravci od nekoliko sedmica ili mjeseci za master studente koji bi mogli vršiti neke od dodatnih analiza na ovom univerzitetu za svoje završne radove. Kolegama iz Poatjea su uručeni uzorci donešeni iz Banja Luke kako bi se ovim prvim konkretnim analizama i otpočelo sa saradnjom. Uzorci su rezultat grupnog naučnog rada studenata 4. godine u okviru predmeta „Nanohemija“. Radi se o prirodnom zeolitu iz Srednje Šnjegotine na kome je izvršena izmjena jona, te nano/mikro mangan dioksidu sintetizovanom u svrhu testiranja za razgradnju antibiotika u medicinskim otpadnim vodama. Kolege iz Poatjea će izvršiti XRD analizu kristalnosti ovih materijala te je u izgledu skora zajednička publikacija u kojoj će i sami studenti biti koaturi.

Najvažnije, razmjena sa Univerzitetom u Poatjeu je sada otvorena za sve kompatibilne oblasti te se ohrabruju nastavnici i studenti da prate oglašavanja otvorenih programa razmjene sa ovim univerzitetom koji će slijediti u narednom periodu.

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As a part of the Erasmus + KA1 program, in December 2019, nineteen teachers from state universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina stayed in Poitiers for 5 working days. The University of Banja Luka was represented by Prof. Dr. Željka Babić from the Faculty of Philology and Assist. Prof. Dr. Suzana Gotovac Atlagić from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. In addition to our teachers, the team included representatives from the University of Sarajevo, the University of East Sarajevo, the University of Zenica, and colleagues from the University of P.G. Demidov from Yaroslav, Russian Federation. The purpose of the teacher’s residency was to participate in training, and to be introduced to the areas of university organization in which Poitiers has high standards. In addition to the administration  for international cooperation led by the vice-rector for this field, the professors were also introduced to the student support institutions such as the Cultural Center („Student House“), as well as a campus, a modern library with a library and mini-hub rooms that students can reserve for working on their projects in groups and many other facilities. Also they saw a centuries-old, extensive collection of exhibits and scientific specimens that is systematized and aligned with databases of similar data throughout France (fields of biology, paleontology, chemistry, zoology …). The representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina were from different fields and at the end they had the opportunity to get together with their colleagues in the part of the program where they were separated into groups.

Most important for our Faculty is that our representative (a teacher of SP Chemistry), had the opportunity to present the work of students and teachers in the field of materials science in Banja Luka, to colleagues from the Poitiers Institute of Chemistry. Colleagues have expressed interest in our work on under-exploited natural aluminosilicates from Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as on the recycling of secondary raw materials from the industries we work on (such as waste microsilica from the RS Silikon factory or waste sludge from the Omarska and Gros mines). A direct collaboration has been established with Professor Celine Fontaine and Professor Frederic Richard, who are expected to visit our Faculty in 2020. The Poitiers team offered an exchange of sample materials and shared characterization, all for the purpose of quality collaborative publications internationally. Also, there is an opportunity for student exchange, both classic one-semester Erasmus + exchanges and stays of several weeks or months for master students who could do some of the additional analysis at this university for their projects. Colleagues from Poitiers were provided with samples brought from Banja Luka in order to begin cooperation with these first concrete analyzes. The samples are the result of the group scientific work of the 4th year students within the „Nanohemistry“ curiculum. These samples are a natural zeolite from Srednja Šnjegotina which has undergone ion exchange and nano / micro manganese dioxide synthesized for the purpose of testing for the degradation of antibiotics in medical wastewater. Colleagues from Poitiers will perform the XRD analysis of the crystallinity of these materials, the results could give a chance for a joint publication in which the students themselves will be coauthors.

Most importantly, the exchange with the University of Poitiers is now open to all compatible fields and teachers and students are encouraged to follow the advertisements of open exchange programs with this university in the coming period.