Др Ђовани Ла Мура (Giovanni La Mura), са Универзитета у Падови, одржат ће предавање под насловом: “Beacons in the Universe – Active Galactic Nuclei” у понедјељак 17.10.2016. године, са почетком у 11 сати у амфитеатру ПМФ-а.

Предавање ће бити одржано на енглеском језику, те је прилагођено за широку публику и отворено за јавност.

Talk abstract:

During the XX century, an outstanding series of discoveries extended the reaches of our knowledge well outside the limits of our Galaxy, in a huge and expanding Universe. Some objects, which appeared like common and often quite faint stars, turned out to be actually very far away and intrinsically much brighter than any other known source at the epoch. Today, with the development of instruments that can detect electro-magnetic radiation virtually at every wavelength, we realize that such objects are much more than simple bright sources of optical light. They are the nuclei of distant galaxies and they can radiate outstanding amounts of power from radio to the highest energy gamma-ray photons. Several lines of evidence indicate that such Active Galactic Nuclei appear when a Super Massive Black Hole accretes matter from the surrounding space into its extreme gravitational field. This talk illustrates what lines of evidence support this interpretation and how the different radiation components that we observe can actually be produced. It concludes with some considerations on what Active Galactic Nuclei tell us about the remote Universe and how galaxies formed and evolved.