The University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics with partners cordially invites you to the International Seminar/Workshop on Deep Technology in Nanomaterials and Material Chain Pollution (NanoPol2023).

The seminar represents the first international educational event through the EIT HEI “DeepGreenInno” project which was recently awarded to the UNIBL as a coordinator of 8 partners. This project was successfully written and submitted thanks to the support of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (grant: 10-33-11-7109/22) and the Ministry of Scientific Research Development, Higher Education and Information Society, Republika Srpska (grant: 19.032/966-79/22) who are also the co-sponsors of the event.

As the added value of the event, guest experts and students will also be able to visit the COST association promotional stand and the RIS BRIEFCASE project stand.

The seminar will be held at the main Amphitheatre of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, on June 15, 2023, from 12-15 PM.

Registration, free of charge at:

Full program of the seminar:


12.00-12.10 Greetings by the Ministry of Scientific Research Development, Higher Education and Information Society

12.10-12.20 Greetings by the Rectorate of the University of Banja Luka

12.20-12.40 Introduction to the DeepGreenInno project by the coordinator, Suzana GOTOVAC ATLAGIĆ

12.40-13.20 Plenary speaker, prof dr Jin MIYAWAKI: „Activated Carbons with Enhanced Effective Adsorption Amount: Deep Tech Solution in Effective Usage of Waste Heat Resources“

13.20-13.30 Short discussions and questions

COFFEE BREAK 13.30-14.00

14.00-14.20 Prof Vladimiro DAL SANTO: „CNR SCITEC and LabCat group Deep Tech Activities in Circular Manufacturing, Advanced Materials, and Sustainable Energy and Cleantech“

14.20-14.40 MSc Vasiliki ALEXIOU: “Training in Entrepreneurship and Innovation: an Innovation Greece Approach”

14.40-14.55 Prof. dr Mariya NIKOLOVA “Deep Tech in PVD coatings”

15.00 Closing of the workshop, Dr Anđela PEPIĆ Head of the Centre for Research and Development University of Banja Luka

 NETWORKING LUNCH 15.00-16.00 (at the Faculty)