Nacionalno geografsko društvo (the National Geographic Society ) obezbeđuje finansiranje projekata istraživanja, konzervacije, tehnologije, obrazovanja i pripovedanja u prioritetnim oblastima.

  1. jula se održava virtuelni seminar o grantovima za potencijalne primaoce grantova koji rade u oblasti okeana (koja takođe uključuje mora, estuarije i priobalne regione).

U prilogu se nalazi flajer sa informacijama o sesiji i link  formulara za registraciju .

Potencijalni aplikanti za grantove uključuju sljedeće kandidate (ali nije ograničeno na):

  • Studenti doktorskih studija, postdoktorski istraživači i istraživači od početka do sredine karijere koji rade u oblastima kao što su biologija mora, ekologija, klima ili nauke o životnoj sredini, geonauke, nauke o moru, geografija, podvodna arheologija.·
  • Konzervatori koji rade na zaštiti mora, upravljanju prirodnim resursima ili očuvanju kulturnog nasleđa
  • Tehnolozi koji rade na razvoju hardvera ili softverskom inženjeringu za očuvanje ili istraživanje mora.

– Pripovedači kao što su fotografi ili novinari

  • Nastavnici, ili neformalni edukatori, posebno stručnjaci za nauku, tehnologiju, inženjerstvo ili geografiju

Više informacija potražite ovde .

Dear Colleague

I hope this email finds you doing well and in good health. I am the regional lead for Europe for the non-profit National Geographic Society and I found your contact through searching for important researchers and institutions working in the area of marine and ocean research, conservation, and technology – especially in countries in the Mediterranean or Middle East region. 

As you may know, the National Geographic Society provides funding for research, conservation, technology, education and storytelling projects in our priority focus areas. You can find out more about our grant opportunities here

On the 11th July we are holding a virtual grant seminar for prospective grantees working in the area of Oceans (which also includes seas, estuaries and coastal regions). I would greatly value your support in disseminating information about this to anyone in your network who you think would be interested in applying for one of our grants. I am attaching a flyer with information about the session and a link to the registration form.

I would welcome support from you in sharing info about this session to prospective grant applicants. This could include (but is not limited to):

·       PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and early-to-mid-career researchers working in fields such as marine biology, ecology, climate or environmental sciences, geosciences, marine sciences, geography, underwater archaeology.·       

·       Conservationists working on marine protection, natural resource management or cultural heritage preservation

·       Technologists working on hardware development or software engineering for marine conservation or research.  

– Storytellers such as photographers or journalists

·       Teachers, or informal educators, especially subject specialists in science, technology, engineering or geography

The National Geographic Society is committed to advancing diversity and equity among ocean scientists and storytellers, and seeks to ensure that those with underrepresented identities, historically marginalized and local scientists and explorers doing research, work, and storytelling related to seas, estuaries, and coastal regions know about this grant opportunity. Thank you in advance for your support in expanding the reach of this program!

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like more information.

Best wishes


Dr Claire McNulty (she/her)

Regional Lead, Europe