Plant life along gradients


| Fixing the problem synthetic biology

| Evo-Devo– plant terrestrialization evolution, diversity and phylogeny

| Foreignersin plants plant made pharmaceuticals and industrials

| Living with poisons and aromas  natural compounds and specialized metabolism

| Shaping your life growth and development

| Howalgae sense their environment sensing abiotic and biotic signals

| Redoxmatters redox regulation of plant metabolism

| Glyphosate and beyond challenges in applied plant sciences

| Plants, friends and foes interaction of plants with microbes, symbionts, etc

| Newcommodities evolution of specialized metabolism

| Get into shape plant architecture

| Catch me if you can  plant/insect interactions

| Solar power photosynthesis and primary metabolism

| Fromgenesto ecology  diversity and evolution of C4 and CAM photosynthesis

| Cellular machineries  cell and organelle biology

| Basic principles of life     plant genetics and epigenetics

| Drying without dying abiotic stress and adaptation

| Battle in the field plant diseases, protection, resistance

| Information from the past – herbarium specimens  challenges in plant sciences

| Trendsin plant science – brand new topics miscellaneous

| On the fields crop plants and new technologies in plant breeding