U radnoj sedmici između 1. i 5. aprila nastavnica Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, studijski program Hemija, doc. dr Suzana Gotovac Atlagić gostovala je na Aristotel Univerzitetu u Solunu, Grčka. Posjeta je realizovana u okviru Erasmus+ programa podržanih od strane Evropske Komisije. Dr Gotovac Atlagić se bavi nanoprocesima, prije svega sintezama i primjenama nanomatrijala u okolišnim tehnologijama, dok su kolege domaćini iz Grčke, fizičari koji se bave visokosofisticiranim metodama karakterizacija ovih materijala. Dr Gotovac Atlagić je održala nekoliko predavanja čije su teme bile iz oblasti kojima se ona bavi u Banjoj Luci, ali i u saradnji sa projektnim kolegama iz Italije, Španije, Japana, Bugarske, Finske i Švajcarske. Neke od naslova održanih predavanja su: “Nano-the newest research movement at University of Banja Luka”,  “Uncovering the bud from mud: nanometal technologies from mining waste”, “1D nanomaterials history and current developments”, “Nanometal technologies from new natural recourses” i “Going away-but always coming back” (naučno popularno predavanje o važnosti borbe protiv odliva mozgova iz Grčke i Republike Srpske).

Dva dana su bila posvećena i karakterizacijama materijala sintetizovanih ili modifikovanih u Banjoj Luci. Tako su bavljene transmisiona elektronska mikroskopija uzoraka nanomaghemita legiranog hromom  i Raman spektrometrija modofikovanih uzoraka nanoporoznog uglja industrijskog partnera „Destilacija a.d.“.

Ostvarena je plodna razmjena znanja a kroz zajednička mjerenja i temelj za koautrostvo nastupajuća dva naučna rada, te du domaćini izrazili želju da posjete kapacitete Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci.

Realizaton of the exchange with Aristotle University from Thessaloniki

During the working week between April 1 and 5, the teacher of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, at Study Program Chemistry, Assist. prof. dr Suzana Gotovac Atlagić, visited the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. The visit was realized within Erasmus + programs supported by the European Commission. Dr. Gotovac Atlagić deals with nanoprocesses, primarily syntheses and nanomaterials applications in environmental technologies, while host colleagues from Greece are physicists dealing with highly sophisticated methods for characterization of similar nanomaterials. Dr Gotovac Atlagić held several lectures with topics from the areas she is dealing with in Banja Luka, but also in cooperation with project colleagues from Italy, Spain, Japan, Bulgaria, Finland and Switzerland. Some of the titles of the lectures were: „Nano-the newest research movement at the University of Banja Luka“, „Nanometal technologies from new natural natural materials“, „Uncovering the bud from mud: nanometal technologies from mining waste“, „1D nanomaterials history and current developments“ recourses „and“ Going away-but always coming back „(a scientific-popular lecture on the importance of the prevention of the brain drain from Greece and Republika Srpska).

Two days were devoted to the characterization of materials synthesized or modified in Banja Luka. Thus, the electron microscopy of chromium alloyed nanomaghemite samples and the Raman spectrometry of the modified samples of nanoporous coal of the industrial partner „Distillation of a.d.“ were performed.

A fruitful exchange of knowledge was achieved through joint experiments and a foundation was established for the co-authoring of two scientific papers, while the hosts expressed their desire to visit the capacities of the University of Banja Luka.