Dana 21.06.2019. realizovana je studijska posjeta rudniku Gros kod Srebrenice u kome su učestvovali PMF, Rudarski fakultet UNIBL, Udruženje inženjera tehnologije Republike Srpske i gosti učenici iz srednjih škola. Rudnik Gros je važan privredni subjekt čija istorija seže čak do ranog srednjeg vijeka. Eksploatiše rudu iz koje se dobija pretežno cink ali i olovo, i to procesom flotacije, trenutno jedinim takve vrste u Bosni i Hercegovini. Domaćini u rudniku su bili izuzetno srdačni, održavši edukaciju gostiju o istorijatu i trenutnom tehnološkom procesu u rudniku, te o ekonomskom uspjehu ove kompanije koji je postignut zahvaljujući britanskom ulaganju i vrijednom radu tima od oko 496 domaćih zaposlenika. Osim što zapošljava ovako značajan broj radnika, ovaj privredni subjekt je takođe veoma aktivan i u humanitarnom radu i podršci društvu opština Srebrenica i Bratunac, te sponzor brojnih kulturnih i edukativnih aktivnosti. Rukovodstvo je istaklo da su otvoreni prema zapošljavanju diplomaca upravo fakulteta koje njeguju fundamentalne nauke i tehnologije materijala.

Studijsko putovanje je koncipirano kroz projekat RAISESEE, finansiran iz EIT Raw Materials fonda a koji ima za cilj promociju prirodnih izvora sirovina srednjoškolcima kako bi se motivisali da postanu stručnjaci u oblasti nauka o materijalima (hemija, tehnologija, rudarstvo, geologija). Ovaj projekat takođe dodjeljuje i godišnju nagradu srednjoškolcima koji napišu najkvalitetniji esej sa idejama o iskorišćenju prirodnih resursa svoje zemlje i imaju odličan uspjeh u predmetima iz prirodnih nauka (PRIJAVITE SE). Svo vrijeme studijskog putovanja, inženjeri iz Udruženja inženjera tehnologije Republike Srpske, takođe partneri na projektu, su preuzeli uloge mentora gostujućih srednjoškoloca. Učestvovale su tri škole: Srednjoškolski centar Prijedor, Tehnološka škola Banja Luka i Srednjoškolski centar „Lazar Đukić“ Ribnik.

Projekat je su-finansiran pomoću nacionalnog projekta TRAKMAT koji ima za cilj obezbjeđenje što više praktične nastave studentima SP hemija na PMF-u i Rudarskom fakultetu UNIBL. TRAKMAT projekat obezbjeđuje laboratorijski pribor i hemikalije za praksu studenata i učenika koji namjeravaju upisati ove smjerove, kao i podršku mentorima. RAISESEE zauzvrat finansira jedan broj mjesta i za studente na studijskim putovanjima koja su inače namijenjena prioritetno srednjoškolcima u pratnji inženjera. Domaćini su podržali putovanje ručkom u restoranu rudnika za sve učesnike i edukativnim materijalom.

Studenti PMF-a i Rudarskog fakulteta su imali priliku iz prve ruke vidjeti kako izgledaju radne aktivnosti njihovih kolega koji rade kao rudarski inženjeri, geolozi ili u laboratorijama za kontrolu kvaliteta u rudniku, te motivisati se pričama hemijskih analitičara zaposlenih u ovoj uspješnoj rudarskoj kompaniji. Naročito je važno bilo vidjeti uspješan projekat rekultivacije zemljišta u predjelu bivšeg otpadnog jezera, a na kome se danas nalazi prirodni park.



June 21, 2019 was a day for study visit to the Gross mine near Srebrenica, with the participation of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Faculty of Mining (UNIBL), the Association of Technology Engineers of the Republic of Srpska and guests from the high schools. The Gross Mine is an important economic entity whose history goes back as far as the early Middle Ages. It exploits ore from which mainly zinc but also lead is obtained using the flotation process, currently the only one of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The hosts at the mine gave a worm welcome, educating guests about the history and current technological processes used at the mine, and the economic success of this company, thanks to British investment and the hard work of a team of about 496 local employees. In addition to employing such a large number of workers, this business entity is also very active in the humanitarian work and support the society of the municipalities of Srebrenica and Bratunac sponsoring numerous cultural and educational activities. The management pointed out that they are open to the employment of graduates of faculties which nurture the fundamental sciences and technologies of materials.

The study trip was planned through the RAISESEE project, funded by the EIT Raw Materials Fund, which aims to promote the raw materials to high school students in order to motivate them to become experts in the field of materials sciences (chemistry, technology, mining, geology). This project also grants an annual prize to high school students who write the highest quality essay with ideas on the utilization of their country’s natural resources and excel in science subjects (JOIN). Throughout their study trip, engineers from the Association of Technology Engineers of the Republika Srpska, also partners in the project, have taken on the roles of mentors to visiting high school students. Three schools participated: Prijedor Secondary School, Banja Luka Technology School and Lazar Đukić Ribnik Secondary School.

The project is co-financed by the national TRAKMAT project, which aims to provide as much internship as possible to the chemistry students and students at the Faculty of Mining. The TRAKMAT project provides laboratory supplies and chemicals for students and pupils who intend to enrol at these faculties and is also supporting mentors. RAISESEE in turn, funds a part of the seats for students on study tours that are otherwise intended primarily for high school students accompanied by engineers. The hosts supported the lunch at the mine restaurant for all participants and educational supplies.

The students had the opportunity to see first-hand the work activities of their colleagues working as mining engineers, geologists or in quality control laboratories in the mine, and have got motivated by the stories of chemical analysts employed by this successful mining company. It was especially important to see a successful land recovery project in the area of ​​the former waste lake, which today houses a natural park.

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