Dvojezični članak SRPSKI / ENGLESKI (niže)

Bilingual article SERBIAN / ENGLISH (bellow)

Ove godine program “RM@Schools” (“Mineralni u školama”) promovisan je po prvi put u Bosni i Hercegovini. Taj zadatak je dobio SP Hemija PMF-a kroz projekat “Obrazovne inicijative za istočnu i jugoistočnu Evropu”. Najznačajniji dio programa je bilo učešće učenika iz naše zemlje na godišnjoj konferenciji u Bolonji. Tim SP hemija je kroz brojne promotivne aktivnosti u toku godine poput ljetnih škola i gostovanja u školama, uspio u namjeri da regrutuje učenike iz različitih sredina (Ribnik, Banja Luka, Teslić) i različitih uzrasta (13-18 godina). Tim su činile dvije djevojčice i četiri dječaka koji su u pratnji osoblja SP hemija, otputovali na trodnevnu ekskurziju u Bolonju i na konferenciji prezentovali pred oko 400 učesnika iz 15 zemalja. Naš tim se fokusirao na prezentaciju prirodnih bogatstava ove zemlje i rezerve metala, alumosilikata i drveta koje posjedujemo. Tako su bile prezentovane priče o uspjesima našeg rudnika cinka iz Sase koji je izvezao oko 350 000 tona cinka u prošloj godini, rezervi pirofilita kod Konjica od 38 miliona tona koja je vjerovatno najveća u svijetu, zatim činjenica da je oko 51% naše Republike prekriveno šumskim bogatstvima, da posjedujemo vjerovatne rezerve željeza od i preko 50 miliona tona ili o vrhunskim uspjesima kompanije „Alumina“ koja je jedan od najjačih svjetskih kompanija u polju materijala dobijenih iz boksitne rude koju takođe posjeduje u milionskim rezervama.

Učenici su pokazali veliko zalaganje i prezentovali na engleskom jeziku a takođe su i bili veoma aktivni na višesatnom sajmu sa svojim štandom. Prikazali su kolekciju minerala iz naše zemlje sakupljenu zahvaljujući kolegama geolozima sa Rudarskog fakulteta UNIBL, Federalnog geološkog zavoda ali i primjercima posuđenim iz kolekcije etno sela/muzeja „Ljubačke doline“. Ovo je bio dosta originalan koncept u odnosu na druge štandove koji su prikazali uglavnom metode reciklaže materijala iz sekundarnih sirovina. Kolege iz Italije su pokazale zahvalnost našem timu jer je ovo bila rijetka prilika da učenici iz Italije uopšte izbliza vide i dotaknu prirodne rude. Naime, u Italiji se rudarstvo gasi dok je u Bosni i Hercegovini u ekspanziji kroz brojne domaće i strane investicije.

Više o konferenciji i samom programu na:



This year, RM @ Schools programme was promoted for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This assignment was given to SP Chemistry team through the project „Education Initiative for Eastern and Southeastern Europe“. The most significant part of the program was the participation of the pupils from our country at the annual conference in Bologna. Through numerous promotional activities throughout the year, such as summer schools and visits to the schools, the SP Chemistry team has succeeded in recruiting students from different cities (Ribnik, Banja Luka, Teslić) and different ages (13-18 years). The team consisted of two girls and four boys who, accompanied by SP chemistry staff, traveled to a three-day excursion to Bologna conference where they presented in front of about 400 participants from 15 countries. Our team focused on presenting the national natural resources and the reserves of metals, aluminosilicates and wood. Thus, the success stories of our zinc mine from Sase, which exported about 350,000 tons of zinc last year, the pyrophyllite reserves in Konjic of 38 million tons, which is probably the largest in the world, were presented, followed by the fact that about 51% of our Republic is covered by forest the wealth, that we have probable reserves of iron of over 50 million tons. Also the pupils talked about the superior achievements of „Alumina“ company, which is one of the world’s largest companies in the field of materials based on bauxite, which we also own in millions of tones of reserves.

The students have shown great effort, presented in English and were also very active in the the fair with their booth. They presented a collection of minerals from our country collected thanks to fellow geologists from the Faculty of Mining, UNIBL, the Federal Geological Survey, and also specimens borrowed from the collection of the ethno village / museum „Ljubačke doline“. This was a rather original concept compared to other stands which displayed mainly recycling methods for materials from secondary raw materials. Italian colleagues expressed their gratitude to our team, since this was a rare opportunity for Italian pupils to see and touch natural ores in general. Namely, in Italy, mining activities has almost stopped, while in Bosnia and Herzegovina they are expanding through numerous domestic and foreign investments.

More about the conference and the program itself at:
