Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

We are from the organizing team of the Symposium of Biology Students in Europe (SymBioSE) 2022 in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. SymBioSE is a yearly symposium for biology students from all over Europe. This year, the event will take place for the 25th time. As we are now recruiting applicants from different universities, we have found your contact and wanted to ask if you could forward the following text and attached flyer to your (PhD-)students of biological subject areas. If your University/Department has an information wall, we would also appreciate it if you could hang up a printed out version of the flyer there.

“SymBioSE, The Symposium of Biology Students in Europe, is a yearly event, where bachelor, masters and PhD students meet and share their research areas. It’s an event which is designed for biology students. This year, for its 25th anniversary, it is taking place in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

The goal of the symposium is to broaden the horizons of all participants and to give a platform to share science and enthusiasm. The event covers presentations, workshops, excursions and student presentations to give the students the opportunity to build friendships and a network.

SymBioSE 2022 Germany

Symposium of Biology Students in Europe


If you have any further questions, we are very happy to answer them.


SymBioSE 2022 Organizing Team