Dvojezični članak SRPSKI / ENGLESKI (niže)
Bilingual article SERBIAN / ENGLISH (bellow)

U nizu posjeta industriji u 2019. godini kroz aktivnosti sufinansirajućih TRAKMAT / RAISESEE projakata za studente SP Hemija, jedna od interesantnijih je bila i ona fabrici „SHP Celeks“ u Banjoj Luci. Pomalo skrivena u poslovnoj zoni „Incel“, nalazi se ova fabrika sa dugom tradicijom koja je primjer uspješne privatizacije, odnosno ulaganja stranog kapitala u našoj zemlji. Studenti, zajedno sa mladom stažistkinjom Kristi Kotla iz Estonije, proveli su oko 3 sata u upoznavanju procesa od ulaza sirovina do potpune finalizacije papirne konfekcije. Ljubazni tehničari i inženjeri ove fabrike sve vrijeme su iznosili korisne detalje o suštini procesa proizvodnje ali takođe i kontrole kvaliteta koja je veoma važna za plasman proizvoda na inostrano tržište. Fabrika trenutno zapošljava oko 270 domaćih radnika i već 18 godina je dio međunarodne grupacije SHP iz Slovačke. Izvozu je namijenjeno oko 90 % od ukupne proizvodnje.

Studenti su sa zanimanjem posmatrali impresivne količine sirovine i vode koje se koriste u procesu kao i ogromne rolne poluproizvoda. Međutim, cijeli tim se nije mogao oteti utisku da bi zaista bilo izvanredno kada bi se „SHP Celeks“ ponovo jednog dana snabdijevao i domaćim sirovinama što nažalost trenutno nije slučaj. Sirovinska celuloza se uvozi iz južne Amerike, jer je fabrika sirovine „Celuloza“ koja je postojala u „Incel“-u zatvorena u posleratnom periodu. Uz ozbiljnu politiku pošumljavanja i izbor brzorastućih drvnih vrsta, sasvim sigurno bi naša Republika trebala da bude sposobna da ponovo jednog dana proizvodi kvalitetnu celulozu za ovu fabriku a da to ne ugrozi šumsko bogatstvo koje imamo.

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In a series of visits to the industry in 2019 through the activities of co-financed TRAKMAT / RAISESEE projects, for students of SP Hemija, one of the more interesting was the one at the „SHP Celex“ factory in Banja Luka. Somewhat hidden in the business zone „Incel“, there is this factory with a long tradition, which is an example of successful privatization and an investment of foreign capital in our country. The students, along with young intern Kristi Kotla from Estonia, spent about 3 hours learning about the process from the input of raw materials to the complete finalization of the paper stationery. Kind technicians and engineers of this factory provided many useful details about the essence of the production process, but also the quality control, which is very important for the placement of products on the foreign market. The plant currently employs about 270 domestic workers and has been part of the international „SHP group“ from Slovakia for 18 years. About 90% of total production is exported.

Students watched with curiosity over impressive amounts of raw material and water used in the process as well as the huge rolls of semi-finished products. However, the whole team had an impression that it would be truly extraordinary if „SHP Celex“ were once again supplied with domestic raw materials, which is unfortunately not currently the case. Raw cellulose is imported from south America, because the raw material factory of „Celuloza“ that existed and was supplying the raw materials for „SHP Celex“ was closed in post war period. With a dedicated policy of afforestation and the selection of fast-growing tree species, our Republic should surely be able to produce quality pulp for this plant again one day, without endangering at all the forest resources we have.