Dvojezični članak SRPSKI / ENGLESKI (niže)
Bilingual article SERBIAN / ENGLISH (bellow)


Studijski program Hemija je kroz projekat RAISESEE ugostio u periodu od 26.10.-02.11.2019. maturanta naučne gimnazije iz grada Tallin u Estoniji, Andresa Sakk-a. Andres je jedan od laureata nagrade „RAISESEE PRIZE“ koja se dodjeljuje za 10 učenika iz cijele Evrope koji se takmiče svojim esejima i idejama u oblasti prirodnih sirovina. Najvažnije tačke programa za mladog stažistu su bile:
– posjeta industriji suve destilacije drveta „Destilacija a.d.“ Teslić
– posjeta Rudarskom fakultetu u Prijedoru i rudniku željeza „ArcelorMittal Prijedor“ u Omarskoj
– posjeta fabrici maziva „Tehnosint“  u Laktašima
– pomoć u pripremi za Festival nauke (stažista je proučavao i sistematizovao kolekciju domaćih minerala sa nastavnicima SP hemija)
– posjeta fabrici boja i lakova  „Colorit“
– posjeta Etno muzeju „Ljubačke doline“ u kojoj je stažista proučavao bogatu kolekciju minerala ove ustanove

Studenti SP hemija su se iskreno trudili da se stažista uklopi u rad na fakultetu i dobro socijalizuje, te ponese ugodne uspomene i nova znanja iz naše zemlje, ne samo o industriji i sirovinama već i o našoj kulturi. Andres je sa svoje strane, održao prigodnu prezentaciju o istoriji, kulturi i razvoju svoje zemlje.

Ovaj program se nastavlja u naredne tri godine i očekuje se prijem značajnog broja mladih stažista iz inostranstva te slanje učenika iz Republike Srpske na praksu kod partnera iz konzorcijuma širom Evrope.

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The study program Chemistry through the RAISESEE project hosted in the period 26.10.-02.11.2019. young high school student from Tallinn, Estonia, Andres Sakk. Andres is one of the winners of the RAISESEE PRIZE Award, which is awarded to 10 students from all over Europe who compete with their essays and ideas in the field of natural resources. The highlights of the program for the young intern were:
– Visit to the dry distillation industry „Distillation a.d.“ Teslić
– Visit to the Faculty of Mining in Prijedor and the iron mine „ArcelorMittal Prijedor“ in Omarska
-Visit to the factory of colours and paint “Colorit”
– Visit to the lubricant factory „Tehnosint“ in Laktaši
-His participation in preparation for the Science Festival (the intern studied and systematized the collection of demestic natural minerals with chemistry teachers)
– Visit to the Ethno Museum „Ljubačke Doline“ in which the intern studied the rich collection of minerals of this institution

The students of SP Chemistry made a sincere effort to integrate the intern into the work at the faculty and to socialize with him, so that he can bring pleasant memories and new knowledge from our country, not only about industry and raw materials, but also about our culture. From his, side, Andres held a very informative presentation about the history, culture and development of his country.

This program continues over the next three years and our Faculty is expected to receive a significant number of young interns from abroad and to send students from Republika Srpska to the internship with consortium partners across Europe.