COST Action 19116
Trace metal metabolism in plants –

Workshop: Transition metals and antioxidative metabolism in serpentinophytes

Location: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, Mladena Stojanovića 2, 78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, B&H (

Date of event: 29th-31st March 2023


 Day I (29th March 2023)                                                                 

10:00-10:15 h


10:15-11:00 h

Prof.dr Miloš Mojović, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade

“EPR-Spectroscopy: Principles and applications for exposing oxidative stress in biosystems.”

11:00-11:30 h

Prof. dr Siniša Škondrić Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka

“Diversity of serpentinophytes of Bosnia and Herzegovina”

11:30-12:00 h

Coffee break


Dr Filis Morina, Czech Academy of Sciences, Biology Centre, Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, Department of Plant Biophysics & Biochemistry

“Metal (hyper)accumulation in plant defence response”

12:45-13:15 h

Prof. dr Dijana Mihajlović, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka

“Transition metals in soil-origin, chemical species, bioavailability and methods of chemical analysis”

13:15-13:35 h

MSc Ivana Pucar, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka

“Morphological and biochemical variability of an obligate serpentinophyte Halacsya sendtneri(Boiss.) Dörfl. (Boraginaceae)”

Day II(30th March 2023)

9:00-10:00 h

Group 1: Quantification of transition metals in the plants and accompanying soils using atomic absorption spectrophotometry –1st part /Sampling, sample preparation for analyses and extraction of metals by acid digestion

10:15-11:30 h

Group 1:Laboratory work: Plant identification methods

9:00-11:30 h

Group 2: Laboratory work: Sample preparation for protein electrophoresis

11:30-12:30 h

Coffee break                                

12:30-13:30 h

Group2: Quantification of transition metals in the plants and accompanying soils by method of atomic absorption spectrophotometry –1st part /Sampling, sample preparation for analyses and extraction of metals by acid digestion

13:45-15:00 h

Group2: Laboratory work: Plant identification methods

12:30-15:00 h

Group 1: Laboratory work: Sample preparation for protein electrophoresis


Day III(31st March 2023)

9:00-10:00 h

Group 1: Quantification of transition metals in the plants and accompanying soils using  atomic absorption spectrophotometry –2nd part/Measurement of the metal contents in the extracts obtained after acid digestion


Group 1: Laboratory work: Identification of serpentinophytes


Group 2: Laboratory work: Electrophoresis: in gel activity determination of antioxidant enzymes


Coffee break

12-30 -13: 30 h

Group2: Quantification of transition metals in the plants and accompanying soils using atomic absorption spectrophotometry –2nd part/ Measurement of the metal contents in the extracts obtained after acid digestion

13-45-15:00 h

Group 2: Laboratory work: Identification of serpentinophytes


Group 2: Laboratory work: Electrophoresis: in gel activity determination of antioxidant enzymes

Financial support

The Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska